Hi, I'm ar.ninetysix and I'm known here for my music and quirky relatable replies to topics than my actual writing skills. Been on here nearly 2 years, I swear I actually wanna get into making webcomics with people lol I've got hobbies in anime, gaming, music, and writing.. so yeah. A career in any of those would be nice lol bonus points if they overlap!
I can't promo a comic, however.. I make lots of metal music with ambient and symphonic influences, but I've been getting more into electronic and soundtrack styled stuff lately. Some of which is stuff I plan on using for my comic. You can find all of that on my Soundcloud accounts~
That about does it for my intro I guess lol
btw @desktop_dragon, is that a profile picture of Hyper Light Drifter by any chance? If so, I like you as a mod already