17 / 27
Oct 2017

I just joined webtoons, but I noticed at this point my comic Mixtape has a few subs and it's only been there for a week. Whereas on tapas, it had 0. It's not rocket growth like other people are experiencing so, it's up to you. Doesn't hurt to have your comic on more places but it is kind of a pain to make sure everything is only in jpeg and have even your pages be in smaller width than tapas maximum.

I know your pain. I started posting my comic on Webtoons back in May and have been slowly resizing all 425 pages to work over there. I'm slowly getting Webtoons caught up to what I've been posting on Tapas. Having a huge buffer of pages has made posting there pretty much stress free. I've also been able to fix text and any errors in my pages as i've been going through them, then I replace old pages here on Tapas with the fixed ones.

For views, Tapas has the most for me, but I've been on here since Oct '15. Webtoons views aren't as high, but the sub to view ratio is much higher than Tapas.

For me it's been worth it to resize everything, mostly so that I'm forcing myself to go back and fix stuff, but also it'll help when I start my patreon this month. The more exposure, the more potential backers. I only earn minimum wage, so if I can get enough people on patreon to pay the equivalent of one afternoon a week, I can use that time to focus on drawing. So, being both places is worth it.

If you have Photoshop, just do a batch automation to reduce the image dimensions. If not, it'd be worthwhile doing a free trial considering you've got 340 files.

For me I'm not opposed to posting there, but I feel like I'll only do it when at least one of my longer series is done since A. I don't do webtoons vertical scrolling format and B. they prefer longer updates. So I would post maybe 5 pages at a time, once a week. I don't wanna do it now because I'd catch up to Tap too quickly.

Yeah, Webtoons has a much bigger readership. Like @joannekwan said, we currently don't post there though because of the larger update demands. What we will end up doing is time it so that a 200 page series ends up reaching the end of the volume at the same time at both Tapas and Webtoons.

At a one page per week update schedule, what this would look like is around page 168 to start posting at Webtoons, that way when page 200 is posted to Tapas, Webtoons is getting pages 196-200 posted. Then you can pitch your print pre-order Kickstarter to both communities simultaneously.

Also some Webtoons readers who take interest in your series may jump over to Tapas and gobble up all 160 pages at one time which would do wonders for you on trending.

Hopefully maybe by then Tapas can also get their CPMs up so that all those ads that Webtoons readers will see while binge reading your series will generate a better income for you.

I'm someone that reads a lot of comics, both on Tapas and Webtoon, and I have to say I'm much more likely to go scrolling through the discover section on webtoon than search through tapas. For one thing there's not much of an organizational system on webtoon when it comes to how popular things are, so even brand new stories are more likely to be found by people.

I certainly feel like it's worth it, mostly because I think it's crucial to have your work represented on every platform that can host it, but also ...
...I've been on tapastic for about 9 months now (posting in the forums and whatnot) and have BARELY managed to hold on to or get past 10 subscribers, in contrast I've only been on webtoon for 2 months and I've basically tripled that number with 30+ subscribers.
Now it could be that my upload speed has something to do with this (I was basically re-uploading 7 comics every 2 days when I joined webtoon), but the readership on that site just seems bigger and way more active/hungrier for undiscovered content.
Hell I'm even getting random comments that are both helpful and complimentary, that rarely happens here.

So yeah, I think it's totally worth it. You might just gain a bigger following.

Definitely. I posted today and the numbers don't lie. Thanks for the nudge in the right direction.

I'm using the same files on tapastic that i use to post on webtoon (800x1280). Eh.

I have been wondering this myself as I continue to try and figure out where I should be posting my comic strip. Currently I am on Tapas, FB, Instagram, Tumbler, Twitter, Reddit and Imgur but all my time goes into promoting it on Instagram.

I personally don't think the other platforms are compatible with my strip so I was debating on spending more time on Tapas, which lead to possible loading my stuff on Webtoons.

Webtoon has enough random readers browsing around that your comic is being found somehow, so you can still post there just as a mirror and not worry about extra promotional effort imho.

Oh right, i missed that out. My bad. I thought TS wanted to post a webtoon sized image on tapas.

bruh download irfanview for free and get a search on for that sweet sweet batch resizing

honest to GAWD lifesaver when i was doing stop motion anim, and great for camera photo batching if you went too high res on the wedding photo binge or w/e

That's cool. I just posted my other comic to webtoons and certainly seen some comments. Granted majority were positive but there was one that basically told me "to stop, or else" Like, what? XD Haven't seen anybody say that to me here on tapas.

Wow. That's a funny one. I'll have to gird myself for random wonky comments like this when I start mirroring here in a tic XD

3 years later

I don't feed trolls but I definitely want to have words with whoever said that to you! Some people just like being antagonists, and the bigger the community the more chances of meeting some bad apples. I do agree that the community is really lovely here on tapa, it's just our kind of comics gain no traction here sadly. :frowning: But at least we can do what we love. :slight_smile:

closed Dec 9, '20


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