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Aug 2024

Just recently I resumed working on my fantasy novel, for myself it's kind of adicting not just writing it but also reading.
Let me know if you experience that adiction as well, let me know in which chapter you stop: https://www.fictionpress.com/s/3366343/1/Magnifica-West-Origins10

In exchange, I return with a sub on yours, if it's medieval fantasy, I might read it as well.
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  • created

    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Aug '24
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Fantasy novels are not my thing but I will read your novel anyway because I really like
your drawings and I want to check out how you write :smiley:
I just read the first 10 sentences and it´s well written, I will continue reading it.

I don´t want anything in exchange :slight_smile:

I read the first episode. SUPER intriguing story-line. I think Marianne sounds super cool haha

After reading chapter one, the story seems to be okay. I'm not "Addicted" as you describe, like I could imagine dropping it then. But I don't think this is a big issue.

Though it is very distracting how you used the phrase "Order of the Phoenix" like that's a term I know know from Harry Potter.

I think you do have a fairly strong hook though. I'd maybe include more of the protagonist at the start though.

Thanks for reading, still, if you dont use a term in your story just because it was used somewhere else, then you pretty much would be left with nothing to write.
Can't you say apple just because there's already a company with that name? Duh :stuck_out_tongue:

I haven't read it (sorry!) But I understand what you mean by feeling 'addicted' to your own story, both writing and reading! When you're passionate about a story (or anything else you're working on), going back to it is always such a delight, no matter what other people may think of it :slight_smile: If you're writing what you want to read, of course it's easy to go back to! But that doesn't mean other outside readers will feel the same way ^^ Enjoy the hype!

You said you were on the look out for medieval fantasy; here's my D&D-vibes book, if you're interested! https://tapas.io/series/A-Crownes-Game/info

I've finished releasing the portion of the novel that is used for online preview.
It's 11 chapters from ARC I, roughly 13K words.
It's theme is supernatural hardcore medieval fantasy (little to no magic, mostly on the lines of Berserk and Claymore).

I couldnt really get the answer from this topic, usually you need to read more than the prologue to get adicted :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe one day, I'll get my answer, thanks for your reading.