3 / 10
Mar 2021

Hello! I have some doubts I would like to share with you and I also think this can be useful for new people here.
I started my comic Black Wings and pages can take me from 4 to 6 days to finish. I tell you: my comic is about fantasy, psychology, eternal life, even politics sometimes... it has a strong background and a potent image that I really need (and I also enjoy) to spend a big amount of time coloring it, so a single chapter can take me three months more or less.
The problem is that here and in other platforms all goes very fast and though I hate to divide the chapters to publish them here on tapastic, I am afraid people will forget my comic or get tired waiting for it's chapters. Tbh I think my comic is very good, has potential and I'm proud of how it looks too, but the fact is that there are a lot of interesting and good comics here and on the internet in general so the competence has no limits.
That's why I thought to publish it dividing the chapters in some points that it gets interesting; next part will have three pages for example. But another thing I see when I am the reader is that some comics here on tapas post so often, and only a page or two, that I just end up confused and forgetting things about the stories; idk if I'm being clear, it's just that reading the comics like: one page, then two days later another page and so on, makes me loose the plot a bit.

So what is your opinion? should I post the chapter dividing it in different parts or no?

Thanks is advance:two_hearts:

This is my comic by the way

  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Mar '21
  • 9


  • 734


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I would recommend doing it. Posting more often means that your work will appear in the fresh section more frequently, so a random Tapas surfer may notice your series and single it out from the rest. Of course, you'll still have plenty of competition with other series in that section, but at least you'll have a better chance of attracting readers if you appear twice a month compared to four times per year.

This is just the way Tapas works, more updates mean more exposure (which is the way webcomics work in general).

Of course, if you don't feel comfortable only posting snippets of your chapters, then do as you like. You can always promote your work elsewhere.

The best posting schedules for long-form hobby comics (by which I mean, your comic is an ongoing story and is not your primary job) seems to be bi-weekly or monthly. I post mine bi-weekly, as I personally can't wait a month between posting updates. (I get too excited! And I love getting feedback!) I can create an episode the equivalent of about three standard pages every two weeks.

Monthly sounds like it may work for you! Just design shorter episodes, and cut them at a point which leaves a bit of a hook into the next.

At first I was posting very short updates weekly, but those aren't immersive to read. I'm much happier with my current schedule.

okay, thank you very much! haha same, I also got excited and want to post quick. Having feedback is always comforting :two_hearts:

Looking at the art style of your comic, I can see that you're putting a huge amount of effort into it. The linework is both clean and detailed and it's fully soft-shaded, there are no cut corners. It's really impressive, but also causes the exact problem you're having here.
Sometimes with comics, especially if you're working solo, you have to work out how to make it work. You can either make the very high detail level a selling point and do less frequent updates, so like it's a "quality over quantity" thing... or you can pare down the style a little, either go for sketchier lines, less detail or simpler colours... or you can try to recruit some sort of helper like an inker or similar to speed the process. The one thing I definitely would advise against is posting unfinished work. Simple but finished or takes longer but looks amazing will always be better than "has the potential to be good when finished, but it's not." Maybe you could get people to be interested in a preview of upcoming pages in the future on say Patreon if you build a fanbase who are really invested in your plot, but it's unlikely to happen until your comic has enough pages to really have people hooked on the plot and interested in the characters.

I, at leat, am a full chapter people (or a couple of interesting pages, at least) in contrast of the one page per day people. I find distracting to have to jump from one loading page to another. Also, if timetable its a problem, remember that Shingeki No Kyojin releases a new number once a month, and people is still there. If your story is good, and you need the whole month to post a new chapter, just take the month and make it worthwhile.

thanks for your answer! the problem is I need about three months per chapter :joy: :joy: :joy:
anyways I will post more than one page for sure because I also find it distracting and I also don't like to upload just one page. I rather leave it in interesting points for the script.

(sorry if my english is trashy, it's not my native language)

Don't worry, english is neither my first tongue. Aquí se hable español xD

okay, thank you very much, your advices are very interesting and logical, I'll have it in mind. I have two comics I started and I decided to stop one of them and the other one is open and definetely I'm going to make more chapters in a future, but I decided to focus on this specific idea because I really believe it's the best one and I really enjoy it, probably that's why I don't mind investing time on it, it has become my passion since the idea came to my mind.
oh well, I'm talking too much again haha sorry and thanks again!