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Mar 8

I really dont want to be that person, but I feel like you post the same topics over and over again without really changing anything.

In terms of the picture, the birds and colors are fine. However, the shapes of the architecture feel quite inconsistent. Im thinking of the windows in particular. The edges also look like they're struggling to maintain a proper shape

It's a very old mosque9 and the photo of the minarets they're using was very likely shot with a telephoto lens through a lot of air pollution causing distortion.

Assuming it is taken from a photo and it's not an AI attempting to replicate a very popular photography subject.

Why do the birds look like stamps?

And what's the point of putting a black bird on a dark shadowed figure.

It looks fine. It's a very non-complex drawing so there's not much to say about it unless it was more detailed.

Here is some feedback. I really apologize for the first comment I genuinely misread it. Nevertheless, I think the feedback will be helpful.

Edit: omg I totally read the wrong comment. I am so sorry I did not mean to be mean. I am genuinely horrified I'm so sorry.

Firstly, lots of lines within the structure. Not normal lines either, its like the shape is broken up and there is literal faults in the structure. Not to mention that it gets very blocky on the sides. By blocky I mean choppy aka less smooth. There is also weird splatters of over saturated colors randomly near the building which are like, clipped on? In addition, the building edges at times are indisputable, they are super blocky and without proper colors, it all melts together. Not to mention, there is a lack of color differentiation so the two buildings look to merge together.

I painted it as a shadow so I don't have to put too many details, Well I agree with everything I said, the painting is full of flaws, it really made me think about deleting it haha haha

Maybe ، In fact, even the beautiful paintings of mine are not spared from this destructive criticismIn fact, even my beautiful paintings are not spared from this criticism fact

I would hope not as art is subjective and you don't seem like a quiet master amongst amateurs.

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