The Pen Monster
I draw sometimes.
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- Sep 18, '22
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Step 1; [image] Step 2; [image]
Nothing that deep. The suits said, "Live action Snow White!" Their bean counters consulted with their algorithms and calculated the best people to get the maximum possible return on producing the movie. Then they passed it on to the people making the movie.
[image] Not the latest latest due to spoilers, but this comic will be over by tomorrow evening and I'll be back to drawing comfortably.
I'm using the Intuos. Before that was a Bamboo Fun for about 15 years. The nibs for the Intuos are way too soft IMO. I can't wait to fully switch over to pen & paper.
Fun Fact for the rest of the forum: All Nova Scotians are born knowing the guitar riff for You Could Have Been a Lady.
I quit my job in Korea and moved to Japan. I also stopped making comics at that time. Ditching both worked miracles for both my physical and my mental health. ... Then the ticking time bomb in my genes went kersplow! and all of the family health issues hit me all at once. Hopefully your body wo…
[image] Half way through the end.
You're using someone for personal gain AND telling them that their work is only worth that fraction of a penny Tapas is going to pay you for doing so.
It changes as my moods change, but off the top of my head: 1) I'm not saying I'm number one. 2) THUN-DER! 3) あぁー暑い!!
After a short delay the penultimate story in Eternality is now live. /Promo thread
I'd let a sleeping dog lie and make something new.
Like running a marathon or drinking beer, you only get accustomed to it by doing it. That is, you're going to fail. Failure will follow you to the grave. LIKE EVERYONE ELSE Accept that most of what you try will not work out, and then get up and do more until you come up with something you can …
It's a very old mosque and the photo of the minarets they're using was very likely shot with a telephoto lens through a lot of air pollution causing distortion. Assuming it is taken from a photo and it's not an AI attempting to replicate a very popular photography subject.
I decided to follow the "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck" philosophy when it comes to drawing hands a few years ago. If I'm drawing something meant to be more realistic I'll use a reference. But I'm no longer going to sweat over a wonky finger.
The next project is set in the modern day. I have an excuse for why one group of characters don't have phones that I hope turns out to be funny. The rest will use them as needed. Do you name the apps (like facebook, whatsapp, instagram etc)or did you invent new names for the apps? I'll use the…
Otonoke is the obvious standout. And I hope you like the song because you'll quickly discover that Creepy Nuts has a style they don't want to stray from. But if we can let AC/DC get away with that for 50 years, we can probably extend some of that grace...
Grasping for the brass ring means feeding the mindless scrollers. Since they don't actually read the comic it gives you a lot of room to skimp on things like backgrounds and good dialog. The thing is, people will only remember you by the end result. If you make a comic in a way that makes you ha…
The only person who can answer that is dead.
[image] Giallo slasher movie, Pieces. It's what you'd expect for an 80s slasher.
[image] This comic is actually very educational. The life cycle of stars AND Marx Brothers movies.
Off the top of my head... Miller. Sin City aged like milk but the art was fabulous. [image] Azuma. Still producing one of the best comics ever made in Yotsuba&! [image] Buscema should get just as much credit for solidifying the visual side of Conan as Frazetta does. [image] Toriyama. …
Off the top of my head; The internet is run on phone apps and social media now and a personal website is useless for anything beyond vanity. Name recognition is 90% of the draw. You won't be earning any money everywhere else as well so one site is as good as any other. Pick the easiest place to…
How do you earn on tapas You don't. Our comics are only being hosted to provide eyeballs for the ads and drive traffic to the comics they own..
Dropdown plagiarism.
I think you need to go take a writing course at your local community center because you just asked for a writing course's worth of information.
This is where I part because the audience IS unreasonably comparing you to a pro with a team. And so are Tapas and Webtoon and whatever other comics company you can think of. And they are all expecting you to put in the same amount of work as, say, Oda did for One Piece. For free. And since 99.…
Even 20 years ago we had to look up "benday" because the term was already decades out of date.
While I was navigating around the AI slop that has filled now Pintrest to the rim, I came across this sadly uncredited image. (Image search is just sending me to the Pintrest page I found it on. Google is useless on top of being evil) [image] Note that they just took pictures of some person (th…
This is what I'm talking about.
Be dears and read the whole thing so far. It won't take long.