60 / 92
Jan 2021

Promoting is difficult because after I post I spend six hours refreshing my dashboard instead of actually writing.

This is kind of why my last novel crashed and burned. Thankfully my current thing is fully written (it's very short) and just being uploaded. if it werent for that I would probably fall off the face of the earth... again.

Sometimes I feel bad promoting because I still feel like there are things wrong with my comic (and fanfics) smh

I used to feel bad about promoting, but nowadays I feel ashamed I don't promote as often as I should hahaha promoting is hard, but, since we are all indie and stuff, we need to do that extra length of work ourselves.

To that end, here's my work! Please, read it, and I sincerely hope u like it!


Me not promoting and not getting readers:

Me: Should I promote my novel? I really want to share my story with others...but...is it my best work? -here comes a thousand questions I must answer myself before promoting-

Hi, guys!!! Before, I thought that writing was the hard part! That was before I started promoting the story! Feeling Hercules here rsrsrsrs

Please, help me and read my novel! I hope that you'll enjoy

actually footage of me promoting my comic:

so please if you want, look at it :')

Promoting and getting people to actually read your work is like pulling teeth. Not that it's just hard, but that it's hard and extremely painful. Honestly it should be a job at this point. Anyway here's my horror comic that has burgers in it.

How do astronauts marinate their steaks? Flying sauces! There's my joke. It has nothing to do with my comic, which is about monsters, and also contains murder. I promise it's better than my opening joke... I hope.

This. The latest chapter of my series got all but ignored, even by my regulars (who can be counted with one hand).

I am so desensitized right now I don't feel like promoting my work at all.

I published my series (nine chapters, about half an hour of reading and viewing material) on webtoons and I haven't got a single like. Only got one sub yesterday.

Thinking of outright hiatus-ing it.

I think one reason for putting your work out to be seen is to find out if it's good work or your best work, etc. But if you don't have a significant number of people looking at it, you don't have enough data to answer that question.

If I had a nickel for every time I promoted my webcomic, I'd be able to pay off my car.

Me: Read my comic! It'll mean the world to me if you give it a shot!
Also me: What if they think I'm an attention seeker and annoying and they hate me and--

I guess in the end it is sort of attention seeking haha, but I put so much effort into my comic, I'd love for other people to enjoy it as well :cry:

When you don't promote so you don't seem needy,but you want more subs.

I thought a web comic would be an introvert's dream: a way to share my art with the world without actually having to, you know, go out into the world. Then I realized that for anyone to actually check out my comic I would STILL HAVE TO TALK TO PEOPLE, and now I am buried under ten regular blankets and one weighted blankets and two giant cats and bye, you'll probably never see me again.

(If you're into my comic, let me know you checked it out and I will check yours out too!)

Dang, i really like your art style & use of color & story! (Just subscribed!! ) I also feel a lot of solidarity with other social-anxiety-issues tapas creators. :sweat_smile: Check out my comic if you're interested in more pretty colors!

Nothing like making something intent on not caring if it fits into anyone's idea of a good comic yet still feeling crushed by the existential loneliness implied by the total rejection of your creation by even your own friends :laughing: :laughing: :crying_cat_face:

Basically how I feel when I Tweet my updates and I get two likes.

Honestly I just can't do promo right because, like, you want to get the link out there but you don't want to come off as needy or begging or annoying, but also you know the art isn't the best so you don't really feel like you deserve to have people read it anyway, but at the same time you've been doing it for a while now so you feel like you've put a little time in and maybe you deserve that exposure for your hard work, but you're probably a lot older than most of the other creators out there so you didn't grow up with the kind of internet hellscape we have now and you're really bad at using Insta and Twitter because you aren't aware of all of the weird unwritten rules, etiquette and trends and goddamn it back in my day it was called a "pound sign" not a "hashtag"... (ad infinitum)

Anyway, I basically have a deathly fear of "being cringey" because I'm a child of the 80's and social media culture is totally foreign to me so I'm terrified to put myself out there.

You know, like THIS!

@evaadderley You're so sweet!! We with social anxiety gotta stick together (even though it's anxiety inducing :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: ) I will definitely be checking out your story as well!! :slight_smile:

3 months later

clever use of clover. Hehe, clever clover. Also when I googled "totally spies clover" the first suggestion was "totally spies clover age" and I have lost all faith in humanity.

Yeah. People of a tendency to fight for the rights of cartoon characters for some reason.

It's hard, it's sometimes a bummer, but the fact others can see my work and appreciate it is quite rewarding!

From Farsi/ Persian, meaning "to build, to make or to create", Menmar tells the story of Nadhine, a maiden living in an empire in the brink of a political revolution, whose life is saved by Raheem, a being whose existence seemed to belong only to human myths and children's tales. Together they join forces and decide to help each other in dealing with a human Revolution and a mystical journey to uncover seven magical daggers which might be able to save the entire race of Djinns from extinction.