Oct 25, '20
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Nov 11, '21
Nov 11, '21
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A writing exercise I like is "The characters are at a restaurant and when they get their food, there's a mistake." It helps you learn what they like, what they don't, how they react to minor problems, and how they play off each other. Is your character the type to politely ask for a fix, demand free…

Link to Comic: and Genre: Supernatural/Crime Summary: Shadowman is the monster that jumps out of your closet. But one day he walks in on a terrible crime, and his life is c…

My comic is turning 1 year old tomorrow and I think that's a pretty big milestone. Share your own comics if you've made it at least one year!

I have a story I've been working on for years, and it just hasn't been panning out the way I want it to. Instead of forcing myself to keep trucking through it, I've set it aside to work on other stories. It's not dead, I keep coming back to it, but it's possible you just need a break. If you work on…

The only response I have is the nervous, tired laughter of someone whose bank account was drained by Adobe for years, but I don't know how to type that out. Yes. I do agree with you completely. Man, I hate Adobe.

Here's the first part of my latest update. My comic is about monsters who live in a monster world, and in this page, two characters are having a discussion about a visiting mother-in-law. [image]

I used to use Photoshop, but then one night I got really fed up with it and purchased Clip Studio in anger. CSP is a great program, and I don't regret dumping Adobe.

Actually, I think that's some pretty solid advice. I didn't think about it that way! I'll give it a shot. (Late reply because I was at work)

Hello. I've been doing a comic for the better part of a year, now. It's crossposted on both Tapas and Webtoon. It updates every Wednesday and I haven't missed a single week, and I've tried to promote it on social media, too (though I don't have any followers there, either). Despite my best efforts, …

I have 32 readers on Webtoon and 8 on Tapas. My comic has only been around for 6 months, though. On Webtoon my readership has been increasing pretty well, but I haven't gotten a Tapas reader in at least two months. Not sure why, but I like my comic. So at least there's that.

I looked up your comic on both Tapas and Webtoon and I think I might know what's going on. I can read the Tapas comic pretty well on my phone by pinching and zooming the screen, but Webtoon's mobile site doesn't do this. The text boxes on the Webtoon posting are just too small to read on phones. I c…

How do astronauts marinate their steaks? Flying sauces! There's my joke. It has nothing to do with my comic, which is about monsters, and also contains murder. I promise it's better than my opening joke... I hope.

I had 17 subs yesterday and now I have 31. I don't know where your count is, but I'm guessing it's a bit higher.

The people that start with loads of followers and viewers probably had big social media followings to begin with. But if there's one thing I know about webcomics, it's a long game. A lot of people fall off in the first few months. Also, I've found that crossposting to Webtoon helps.

Hi. I have a fairly new webcomic that I post on both Tapas and Webtoon. On Webtoon, I would get about 1-3 subs a week, but today when my comic updated, all of a sudden my subscriber count has doubled. Is this happening to anyone else? I know there's some kind of event going on on Webtoon, but the su…

I studied animation in college, so I have a very cartoony style. For me, it all starts with basic shapes.

I haven't seen those ads, but the kind of queerbaiting in the "woman in disguise" ad would make me really uncomfortable, too. From your description it seems like the ad was really targeting LGBT readers wanting representation. As far as the "seme/uke" thing goes, a lot of the gay people I know do …