29 / 129
Apr 2022

Congratulations :smiley:
I actually subbed to your comic two days ago or so and I'm loving what I've seen so far in the first episode
Here's mine if anyone is interested, at 94 subs now, hopefully i hit 100 by the end of the year :smiley:

Congrats on 100! Here's my novel below!
If you like a bit of mystery, a bit of spice and lots of angst, this is for you!

Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Mystery
Summary: Elais, an immortal vampire yearns to end what feels like a never-ending cycle of torturous living. When he's told to find a being that has the power to destroy everything in its path, he hopes that it's also the solution to his eternal dilemma. All he finds is a young girl who is closely intertwined to his own fate more than he ever anticipated, and unfolds the dark secrets that changes how he views his life forevermore, whilst learning to unravel the walls of his guarded heart.

Wow, your novel is hardcore, the prologue through me off when everything is so peaceful and then reading that there are TEN ARMED MEN RIGHT OUTSIDE FOR A B & E AND A CHAINED UP GIRL WHO'S UPSTAIRS? WHAT IS GOING ON? Talk about an intense opening, Totally subbing, can't wait to read more, and also I want to thank you for giving a lot of likes to my comic, Infinite Strike, I really appreciate it, hopefully, you'll subscribe too. and if not that is okay, Because I am still subbing to your novel :heart_03:

Thank you so much, and Thanks for Subbing to Infinite Strike, I always look forward to seeing your comment, your one of the few who always leave comments which I appreciate.
I had no Idea you also had a comic until I saw the Avatar and Fisal hussein and I was like "this profile avatar and name looks familiar" lol. I check out you comic and man, talk about intense, I love it, can't to read and catch up with your story. Totally subbing

That's exactly what I was going for with the prologue, so I'm glad it works :smile_cat: Thanks for reading and all the comments!
Did I forget to sub to your comic? :scream_cat: I thought I did subscribe after catching up with everything you published! Well, I'll do that right away. The dialogues are so amazing and so much fun to read :smiley_cat:

Fantasy | BL | LGBTQ+

“Our sins are our demons. The stronger they are, the greater the demon by our side.”

Jaycee was on the run from his past as it bit at his heels. No matter how far he ran, they always found him. The ending was inevitable; he knew that, but how he got to that point was of his own choosing. They would not catch him again, at least not alive.

The world was at its end, sliding down a slippery slope of carnage and war. Unable to stop it, one group sought the answers to an old legend that could either make or break their already fragile lives.

And the closer they get to the answers, the closer they all come to the one answer they didn’t want.


LGBTQ | Science Fiction

Keon was created for one purpose: to be someone else's second chance.

In a world where disease ran rampant, the governments way of handling the catastrophe was their sudden scientific breakthrough: human cloning. People didn't have to wait for a transplant that may never come, now they could buy what the world called a "human backup."

Anyone who didn't agree was taken care of.

Gangs became more prevalent than ever.

The lives of two people who would have otherwise never met will become intertwined, blurring the lines between what shouldn't be and reality.

Congrats! Infinity strike looks interesting, you definitely deserve it and more.
I know my series is a bit different - a collection of disjointed shorts connected loosely thematically. Any commentary or just the views would be appreciated.

So your novel was interesting, I like the dedication you put like making documentary and newspaper illustration to make it all sounds more legit, And I am happy about the terrible fate of Tad in chapter 5, I didn't like his conduct. Well deserved. Lol. Anyway, your story is interesting, I hope to find time to read more, which I will sub to.
I hope you give my comic a read

So, I did Try to read this, And It's not so much the art but the dialog, I just Can't read it,
Some words are big and then it sinks and gets smaller and smaller to the point the words start to get combined. and because it's penciled some words are just faded and not understandable
If you can add Bubble text and type in the dialog, I think you will get more reader to understand you work
I will sub but I would like to see some improvement in the dialog text because I just can't read it
either way, I did enjoy the part that I could understand
I hope you give my comic a read

I don't know if was your intention but this comic is hilariously dark. What is up with Leopold and straight up murdering people?! And I Don't know what worst the fact that Leopold is murdering people in a drop of a hat or the others who seem to be okay with his murdering ways, WHAT THE HELL, LOL! INSTANT SUB! can't wait to read more!
I hope you give my comic a read aswell

It was absolutely my intention, If you wanna make an evil corporation in space, ya gotta make it evil ya know? go big or go home. Thanks for all the comments they were so funny and really made my day. And if everyone around you was getting killed for random nonsense you'd probably get used to it sure it's kinda bad that people die all the time but you better keep in line or else you will too kinda deal. I'll definitely check your comic out too!