1714 / 1761
Mar 12

I literally JUST updated! Chapter 21 of Dog Familiar is here and IT. IS. INTENSE! Hope you'll give it a try :gift_heart: I'm almost at 60 subs :heart_eyes:

Latest chapter:

And here's the prologue:

Chapter 24 is out folks! Come check it out if you want an isekai without the traditional tired tropes. :persevere:

Inferior the world of Enterex, episode seven

He would stand over the teacher's desk,his back hunched over like a vulture as he stared at the misfits.His hands jittered around his cane, perhaps he was waiting to pull out his gun, and shoot down those annoying brats once and for all. However, the most peculiar thing about the math teacher that stood out in Sebastian's memory was that he seemingly knew Sebastian.

Today is the day of our regular chapter update!

Episode 22 / chapter 19 now posted. Our Saintess keeps up a difficult conversation in the hopes of understanding her new allies' motivation

Or, from the beginning:

Released a new chapter for all of my series