124 / 4458
Jul 2021

Updated today, KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 1 Episode 18

My webcomic Geeking Around: The Webcomic was updated a week ago. It is based on my podcast Geeking Around.


If anyone like to sub for sub, just let me know.

Hi! Are you bored of fantasy manga series about handsome boys with stupid hair proclaiming how they’re going to be the best in the world? No? Well, today’s your lucky day! Meet Erik, a snowman with the naivety of a child, yet the darkness of a super-villain. Watch as he and his beautiful companion, the exiled Angel Oriel, travel a multiverse of weirdness and wonder, magic and majesty, on their quest to destroy the evil snowman warlord Ragnar and his army of clockwork robots.

New episode of Julian Rhydderch up today!

Very interesting that you use 3d art. I have only see a couple of comic that does this. I used to use the same software to create mostly backgrounds for the my comics. I did sub to you!

Just posted a new episode :blush:

new update is up!

I have been working in Tapas for 2 years and I don't know if I should continue.
I wanna try to get published in a magazine at my country, but these years without stopping working have hurt me a lot and I don't see good results.
Without going further my last manga MooN:ProJecT have been finished by a "short novel" way, because I don't have enough energy to keep pushing on.

"Sorry for my english, I'm not native speaker".

I just updated my isekai adventure!

Just updated yesterday on both sites.

Here's the link to my novel, Of the Sword :slight_smile:

Just started a new series. Link Below:

Many thanks for the sub bro! I subbed to yours also, I enjoy the game-humor theme of yours, an instant Win for me! :smiley:
Nice on using Daz, yea it's such a time saver for populating backgrounds and rendering. Yea, it started as a game idea so the 3d just felt like the best way to go. (Videogames being my fave entertainment medium &studied game design too.)

Hello! I update my comic every Saturday!

Ryvan's first lecture

Just updated my novel!!

Updated yesterday and will be another update tomorrow :smile:

Gone live today!

Aster and his loyal Land Dragon Makna travel the land of Telania searching for the mysterious Crimson Lady. While on his quest Aster acts as a medium between spirit kind and humans, banishing demons and bringing balance in a quickly changing world as technology is on the rise and old gods fester in forgotten temples.