126 / 4458
Jul 2021

New episode of Julian Rhydderch up today!

Very interesting that you use 3d art. I have only see a couple of comic that does this. I used to use the same software to create mostly backgrounds for the my comics. I did sub to you!

Just posted a new episode :blush:

new update is up!

I have been working in Tapas for 2 years and I don't know if I should continue.
I wanna try to get published in a magazine at my country, but these years without stopping working have hurt me a lot and I don't see good results.
Without going further my last manga MooN:ProJecT have been finished by a "short novel" way, because I don't have enough energy to keep pushing on.

"Sorry for my english, I'm not native speaker".

I just updated my isekai adventure!

Just updated yesterday on both sites.

Here's the link to my novel, Of the Sword :slight_smile:

Just started a new series. Link Below:

Many thanks for the sub bro! I subbed to yours also, I enjoy the game-humor theme of yours, an instant Win for me! :smiley:
Nice on using Daz, yea it's such a time saver for populating backgrounds and rendering. Yea, it started as a game idea so the 3d just felt like the best way to go. (Videogames being my fave entertainment medium &studied game design too.)

Hello! I update my comic every Saturday!

Ryvan's first lecture

Just updated my novel!!

Updated yesterday and will be another update tomorrow :smile:

Gone live today!

Aster and his loyal Land Dragon Makna travel the land of Telania searching for the mysterious Crimson Lady. While on his quest Aster acts as a medium between spirit kind and humans, banishing demons and bringing balance in a quickly changing world as technology is on the rise and old gods fester in forgotten temples.

Just updated today! check it out and sub if your interested in a Sci-Fi/ Apocalyptic lgbtq story.

Hi guys!I updated my comic five days ago and I am on the 11th chapter.

It's an action comedy comic set in an african country during the pandemic era,and a gang seeks to take advantage of the crisis to expand their numbers and their territories.Can anyone stop them before there is too much chaos?
link below
