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Aug 2021

I just updated today with some decorative dividers between chapters:

Just uploaded episode 20 of KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 1

And uploaded just last week, episode 8 of Geeking Around: The Webcomic, based on my podcast of the same name.

I have launched my novel on Tapas today actually!

The novel will be updated with a new episode twice a week (Tuesday and Friday) and to start with I have uploaded eight episodes, so readers can get a taste of the story and what it's about.

It's a fantasy adventure story, and you can find more about my novel "Kingdom of the Red Rose" at the link below.


Welcome on board >3
Your novel is so much of interesting, subbed!
Check out mine too if you have time :slight_smile:

Today we have a date? at the cafe and some Averie background

This week's episode is the start of the first historical fiction chapter of my novel, which starts to get into the backstory of an immortal character.

just added a new page today!

Updated yesterday by opening Chapter 05 with Page 01 and trying a different way of shading as the evil Reptilians making their way inside the church.

Hello weekly chapter!! We're getting into some action now!!

I updated my novel

My novel just updated! :slight_smile: Would love to hear your thoughts on it as it is a fairly new story of mine! :blush: Thank you~!