241 / 4484
Aug 2021

I just updated today with some decorative dividers between chapters:

Just uploaded episode 20 of KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 1

And uploaded just last week, episode 8 of Geeking Around: The Webcomic, based on my podcast of the same name.

I have launched my novel on Tapas today actually!

The novel will be updated with a new episode twice a week (Tuesday and Friday) and to start with I have uploaded eight episodes, so readers can get a taste of the story and what it's about.

It's a fantasy adventure story, and you can find more about my novel "Kingdom of the Red Rose" at the link below.


Welcome on board >3
Your novel is so much of interesting, subbed!
Check out mine too if you have time :slight_smile:

Today we have a date? at the cafe and some Averie background

This week's episode is the start of the first historical fiction chapter of my novel, which starts to get into the backstory of an immortal character.

just added a new page today!

Updated yesterday by opening Chapter 05 with Page 01 and trying a different way of shading as the evil Reptilians making their way inside the church.

Hello weekly chapter!! We're getting into some action now!!

I updated my novel

My novel just updated! :slight_smile: Would love to hear your thoughts on it as it is a fairly new story of mine! :blush: Thank you~!

13 days later

new update :sparkles:

Just updated!

And with today, "Forgotten Legacy" starts its run:

GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Drama
From the nights He used to spend by reading tales of "the Dreamers", the young Alfredo Ananda Kasem always longed to be one of them as well, unaware of the Potential that resides in his Echo, that could change the lives of those around him, whose Stories, connected to His, are the KEY to bring changes to the World of Gaia, and lead to its peace once and for all.


Enjoy your stay, Have a nice day!

Just updated the season 1 finale of my latest web comic One Kick!

Page 06 of Chapter 05 is up as Lyza goes downtown on the Reptilians in a savage way!!

The 16th chapter of Centris is out!

I actually just started on Tapas with this novel! :tapa_pop:

Genre: Fantasy, Action

3 new episodes just released, and lots more to come!

Just updated to our written section!

I'll be updating within the next few days:

Updated Psetha today(or is it yesterday? :sweat_smile:) You can read the story here:

The final piece of Guest Art is in! Many thanks to Peter Evans for the awesome work.!


Page 07 of Chapter 05 is up as the Reptilian Horde about to surround Lyza.