Synopsis: The story revolved around the wretched life young man, Eldric Voigt who used to top at every subject, LITERALLY every subject he had in school that was led by the Nazi government. However, he was extremely poor in geopolitics and literature, and the Nazis needed their future leader who was good at these subjects. As expected, he failed to promote to his next batch along with his classmate, Sascha who had been a childhood-neighbourhood friend of his. Therefore, he quit the most prestigious school in the country that dealt with making future Wolf for their country and would curse himself for being born with such a prodigy but at the very wrong time in history.
When the Allies forced banged their neighbourhood city Hohen and refugees invading in their Vielist, The Nazi school started combing for the right descendant of their Wolf. Eldric had left no choice but to return to school and participate in the boring classes he just finished last year. Afterwards, Eldric made a terrible mistake by sending his friends to a concentration camp in order to blend in with the bleary Nazi-led society. However, Eldric gets a chance to change everything after thirty years by travelling back to the past.
Genre: YA, World War II, Historical, Dystopia, Speculative fiction, Slice of life (teenage drama)