21 / 22
May 2021

I'm halfway there... but still kinda far from reaching 100 (I need 30+ more).
This is my novel, Talipandas2.
This novel got to top of popular Fantasy genre for a couple of days. (along with my other novel which topped in Slice of Life genre... but that's far from reaching first milestone)

Other info:
Genre: Fantasy, Slice of Life, Romance
When spoiled rich girl Ari's life ends, she finds herself reborn as Princess Iris in a fantasy world created by her childhood imaginary friend! But being a princess comes with being the last hope to remove an evil curse from the royal bloodline, which would be a lot easier if she hadn't inherited the most useless kind of magic in the world.

Hi! Can you please check my comics? Sub for sub

I'm on my half-way mark to around 75 subs on my series. I can't wait to reach 100. :smiley:

Still 4 subs away reaching 50..Happy for you that almost 100 fingers crossed be able to reach that far too..thnx for the thread..Willing to do sub4sub if anyone might be interested doing so.Here's mine.

My comic is about 40 subs away from 100

I loved the idea! Well, I’ve been writing since I was 12 years old but I’ve never shown my work to so many people. Here at TAPAS, I was able to show my writing and my story and that makes me very happy. I love receiving feedback, as it helps me mature as a writer! I sub in Darling to help you reach 100 subs!

I've explored some parts of myself that I probably wouldn't have been so willing to think about if it weren't from the lens of characters inspired by those aspects. I've also gotten a lot of very interesting comments and fulfilled my dream of having people make theories on my work.

So here it is:

Greetings! I'm also on the road to 100 subs, I hope we all accomplish this milestone!

From Farsi/ Persian, meaning "to build, to make or to create", Menmar tells the story of Nadhine, a maiden living in an empire in the brink of a political revolution, whose life is saved by Raheem, a being whose existence seemed to belong only to human myths and children's tales. Together they join forces and decide to help each other in dealing with a human Revolution and a mystical journey to uncover seven magical daggers which might be able to save the entire race of Djinns from extinction.

I've been writing since I was little and I've never really shared my stories with an audience. I'm glad I did, and I appreciate everyone who's taken a look at my story.

Fighting everyone we got this!!!!! (Sorry that I answer so late, my Tapas wasn't really working :sweat:)

@TheDoublekey you will reach it :muscle: so say it can take up to 1 year to reach this milestone, so never lose hope!
And your first episode looks so good, i will continue with it when i got the time to suck in the story!

@Manyana already a sub of you and slowly making my way through it because there are already so many episodes and I am a super slow reader :sweat_smile: and congrats for accomplishing top fantasy Novel - that's super huge!

@erancomics not a fan of Sub for sub, but I gave your comic a try and left some likes. I hope that helps a bit :wink:

@Fuzzyman818 I think i gave capture the flag already a lot of compliments because i just love the simplicity of it and i don't want to say the same thing over and over again but i really do like it :grin:

@tjjha you guys are almost always the first to read my chapter and i try my best ti keep up with yours too :relieved: but as said I am as slow as my WIFI ^^ also thank you!

@Stargazer31 It's sooooo cutely made I could just melt, definitely will continue! :heart_eyes:

@daisycholee thank you dear :blush: but i still didn't reach it :sweat_smile:

@gabrielabittenocurt aww we started out at the same time. Also the prologue gave me some goosebumps^^ I will a 100 percent continue! (If you get a lot of reads one random day, that's probs me just binging it)

@Pony_wearing_a_hat yes theories are the best :joy: got way to excited when my readers started doing it, so i feel you. I'm glad that you can see yourself a bit better! :blush:

@Donley New sub for you :laughing: I'm glad that you started sharing because I like it, till now - still have to read a lot :sweat_smile: but i like to take my time with every story, so i can comment from time to time.

sub for sub guys.
Here is my channel link.

Since I have started my novel I have grown in writing. This novel also helps me when I am really stressed or sad because I can kind of escape into their world while writing. I have been writing stories in my head since I was just a kid so actually being able to post one of the stories I've made is pretty cool!

Warning: This series has scenes of: violence, sex, gore, abuse, and lots of foul language.

Greetings! I'm almost on 100, 2 subs to goooo!!!!

I'm 3 subs short of 25.

Still building it up. Currently at 80 awesome and engaged readers, and excited to grow!

Hello Elysee,

Congratulation to get 100 subscribers to touch first milestone. Keep doing this I am sure you will achieve second milestone very quickly.

For me, this is my first real attempt at writing a whole, start-to-finish, non-fan fiction novel! I'm still fairly nervous about it, but so far, it has just been so much fun, and I've been so encouraged by the positive response that I have received from the community!

I'm currently hanging out at 97 subs (so near, yet so far), so I'm hoping to hit the milestone soon! :slight_smile: