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Nov 2020

Right Twix all the wayyyyyy!!!!

  • created

    Nov '20
  • last reply

    Nov '20
  • 44


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Honestly I grab a Twix without thinking :joy: However, right twix feels...right.

@alextsarace Omg I hate Bounty with a passion. :scream:

@MaeRose and I hate Nuts (I hate it that much so I didn't include this bullshit mistakenly named candy in meme)

@alextsarace I hate nuts too! I could cry, you're the first person that agrees with me. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for passionately hating them. :joy:

You're not crazy, it's just the ones that like or love them are nuts xD Which includes myself, but that's no big surprise that I'm a little nuts.

Is there actually a difference between left and right twix? I can't eat candy so I have never been able to compare the two sides...

This is why you just eat both of them at the same time.

In all my years of eating Twix I don’t think I’ve ever had this question brought to me, nor for things like KitKat.

chocolate introspection is necessary in life