33 / 37
May 2018

Fantasy because I can subgenre romance in it. Of course, my tastes run more towards romances where people screw up and have to part ways. Or die.

Ive never cared all that much for romance, to be honest! Only when it's written super well does it ever get much of a reaction from me, not sure why. But fantasy on the other hand, just plop me in and I'm good to go! :smiley:

I don't like romance as main genre at all, hints of romance in a good story is fine though ^^ So fantasy all the way for me! :smiley:

im a fantasy person. not a shipper so i cant really get into romances that arent my own ocs.

if I had to chose romance, why? cause fantasy is a setting and not a story genre XD

though fantasy romance would be best =V

I don't like Pure Romance, so I'm all Fantasy.

But why limit ourselves to any one specific genre, let's start mixing and matching here!

Fantasy all the way for me. I never read pure romance, lol.

Fantasy for me.
I like romance as a side dish but less as the main plot.
(Which it's ironic because my comic will probably be more romance than fantasy. But I wanted it to be a one-shot since I use it to learn comic making ropes and so, can't insert big adventure journeys in it. That'll be for the next one.)

I guess fantasy is more in the visuals of the comic and romance more in the writing. And I feel that with the visuals of a comic you can judge a lot faster if you like it (the design style of characters, The type of fantasy that is being portrait). Then with a romantic story. You really need to get some time into a story whether you like the type of romance that is being portrait (or if you like the way of writing at all).

So it feels a bit like comparing apples and oranges! But I guess in most fantasy stories the main theme is adventure and exploration and I do prefer those types of stories.

Personally I vote for fantasy but I do like a bit of romance from time to time

Thanks you guys for getting involved in this vote, now let's see which genre won
Fantasy: 21
Romance: 7
Fantasy won! Thank you guys so much for participating and as always, have a great day! :smiley_cat:

6 months later

I tend to gear towards fantasy as a whole, but I certainly don't mind a little romance thrown in :wink:

Fantasy hands down. I don't mind a mixture of both, so long as the main focus is a fantasy. I tend to lose interest in a series when they start focusing on the romance part like in Korean Odyssey.

I'd perfer, Frantasy, and maybe some Fromance dipped in the mix