9 / 70
Jul 2024

XD. Hawwt chocolate as I call it, should definitely have some more representation

Oh I didn't know there was a musician named Griff! I had been thinking of a griffin when I named him, though he isn't a griffin ^^

I think her surname is Griffith so she goes by Griff. She's really good lol. And also a brown girl


Eman Cruz...

Akala Maya

So here's my sweet little Larry.

and his sweet mama.
there's also the rest of his family who might be shown in a future chapter or most likely in Vol.2

mmm, probably not quite what i meant by brown XD, because most people can tan at least slightly, but i guess it's fine

Aw thank you!! :heart::heart:

He's a werewolf and his name is Opalescent. My comic Wolftrain to Heaven follows his daughter BlueMoon, but this is a flashback of how he met his wife in a jazz club.

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