9 / 43
Aug 2019

My favorite painting tool was removed by the original creator u__u
I can't even get it onto my other device cry :sob:

These are lit thou

if you want to search for something in the assets store in Japanese open your assets store and then minimise it .
then open your web browser and look for English to Japanese. you can tap in a word then copy and paste the Japanese into the assets search bar

well i will start off with my poses. any that are by mariusthemayor are mine. one of the best is pirate run

I too am finding it hard to copy and paste stuff out of the Assess store to share with you guys. need better instructions how to do it.

Did someone say assets?


Romantic lighting/Dokidoki/shoujo sparkle magic:



Insta Aging/ texture:

I got so many more but these are real time savers for BGS for me.

And lastly this pose, just cause every time I scroll by it in my library of assets it gives me a good laugh

Good question! I'll take a screencap because my explanation wasn't that good. If you scroll down on the asset you'll see a "share" section that looks like this near the bottom:

You click that URL button and it will be saved on your computer. Just paste it into your reply to share the link.

@Jenny-Toons I have the anime exclamation brush and the "lightning" looking brush- kinda pissed about the lightning brush coz the size is crap; I wanted it to scale larger than its current max.

@beta1042 I have a number of the crowd brushes and materials...havent used them all yet, but I will eventually.

This bottle brush is SWEET! I used it on a couple of my recent webcomic pages- it's two versions; one with labels(3 diff style labels) and one brush without labels...

I have another one with jars:

Here's where I used them:

This brush I've been using for various sheen on windows and other reflective objects. You load it into your line tools section...

A freckles brush- you add it in the airbrush tools:

And this "dust" brush...it has 4 brushes- 2 of them are dust "light" that glow on a screen/lighten layer.

Other than that I've been mainly stock piling on 3-D figures...

1 month later

Yo I'm bringing this thread back because I'm going back to building my brush library again (can't have enough brushes) and I've been looking for 1. good brushes to paint with, and in particular, nice watercolor-ey brushes and 2. Good screentone texture--there's this Kyle Webster screentone pack on photoshop that builds screentone with how much pressure you put on the pen and I was wondering if something like that exists on Clip Studio because it's so popular.

I’ve wasted so many hours collecting assets, I have a problem :cry_02: :sweat_01: but I’ll share a few here!

Plants -

Flowers -

Clothing Stuff -

Etc -

+ Uses a reference line art layer to fill in a large selected area fast. Good for laying down flats.

+ My current line art brush. Inky texture.

+ What I use a few of for painting

Oof I got carried away

Can I ask a quick question? Though this might not be the right thread for it.

Is Clip Studio Paint free to download? Or do you have to pay for it? I don't need the most fancy version or anything.

(Soon to be broke college student asking here)

There's a free trial, but you will have to buy it.
There's frequent sales basically once per season though, that offer it at an amazing price for what it is! It's a one time purchase that can be put onto 3 devices at a time.
The PRO (standard) version is really powerful, so don't worry about it not being worth it compares to the fancy EX. Many creators I know use the basic version (same for myself).

The ipad version is subscription based unfortunately

Okay, thanks!
I was wondering what to do since my laptop has crashed before (i usually draw by hand, I do digital art for special occasions) so I didn't want to take the risk of buying the program -> laptop crashes and losing Clip studio paint :confounded:.

If you can hold out on buying it until November, they usually have a Black Friday sale around the Thanksgiving holiday where they sell the basic(Pro) version of Clip Studio for $25. In the case that your laptop does crash, as long as you have the serial key for Clip Studio you can reload it as many times as you need.

And if you're worried about spending money--I don't know if you have access to a tablet, but I know a lot of artists are using Procreate, which is free to download, and a great way to get the hang of digital before jumping into a paid program (unfortunately Procreate is very simple so it doesn't have the panel layout tools clip has, but it's still great for illustration)

I use this one for magic instead of rivers :smiley:

I love so many, but obviously I'll not post every one of them, because I'm lazy ^___^