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Jan 2023

So, since Tapas have just announced that AI isn't allowed on the platform, there may be a lot of creators going "Aagh! I need a new cover!" and they might also be feeling a bit stuck on how to make something good without access to AI. So... artists and design peeps, let's help out with useful info!

I'm going to start out with some places I like to find artwork and photos that are public domain, mostly because they're old...

This collection has some nice high res images of a lot of classic paintings, prints and the like (yes, including Hokusai's Great Wave off Kanagawa as seen in the thumbnail) on their collections tab, with ones you can use freely clearly marked CC0.

Rawpixel can be filtered to Public Domain images, like so... some gorgeous stuff here:


I love using this site, it's full of weird old illustrations of people, plants and creatures, all free to use:

And here's another one, appropriately called "Old Book Illustrations"...which is exactly what it is.

For photos, Wikimedia commons is often overlooked, but you can find some great Royalty Free CC0 pics on there if you're willing to browse a bit.


And of course, my favourite place to find free CC0 stock photos... Unsplash:

For some fonts, a lot of people don't seem aware that a lot of the fonts on Blambot are actually free. You need to check the font you like to see, but there's good stuff there for comics and for light novels.

Need inspiration for fonts? Free fonts!? This site, if you scroll down, pairs Google Fonts (all free to download and design quality) with nice artwork and inspirational quotes about design (ahh...nice!) so you can get a sense for how they look in context. It's a great place to get started.

Please add other resources, tutorials and apps and things to help creators out :coffee_love:

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Thanks for the sites, I'll definitely bookmark them for future use, but I'm a hobby artist, so I'll probably end up creating my own covers in the end.
Yeah, other than that, I use free apps for my cover creation, MediBang and the trial version of CSP(Clip Studio Paint).
I really hope my fellow writers can be free from the AI art penalty that was mentioned in the update though.

Adding some image editing programs because a lot of people might not realise how many good free ones there are now...

GIMP - It's been around for ages! It's generally seen as a bit less user-friendly than Photoshop, but it has broad functionality for all basic image editing.

Photopea - It's basically Photoshop. In your browser. For free! Well... the trial is free. Apparently the full version now costs $5 a month. Still, for a quick cover, it might be all you need.


Krita is widely used by artists. It's free and open source! Seems maybe more suited to art than design though?

You should be able to find a wealth of tutorials for any of these with a basic internet search, and they can all be used to collage together photos or artwork, do colour adjustments and add text, so everything you need for a basic cover.

Another resource is Blender combined with Sketchfab!


Blender is a free 3D software which has recently caught up even with ultra professional software in most aspects. And by searching on Sketchfab for models with free commercial use licenses (as long as it's not fanart), you can put together reference to commission artists or put into the art software Kate mentioned above to edit something that's to your liking!
Blender is also super fun to learn and use, and the best person I recommend is Grant Abitt, who remakes his Blender for beginners tutorial every year with a new take on things. I started with the 2.8 playlist, but there's a ton on his channel!

Adding another pair of free to use software, more for drawing than editing BUT they've got some pretty nice filter options and fonts in Medibang's case you'll just need to make a cloud account for Medibang (also free) to gain access to them


I've already seen it mentioned above but google fonts is a great resource for free fonts

and then a few more photo/art resource sites (some are blanket CC0 others you will want to double check usage rights/permissions as well as for attribution/credit)



as for general advice, read read and read some more! Not every site may have clear indicators for what is or isn't allowed in terms of using an image so just because you found something cool looking on your search engine of choice or on Pinterest doesn't automatically mean that it's free to use. Do what you can to seek out sources and if you can't find it then that means no using it period

Speaking of reverse image searching, if Google's not doing it for you some other fairly useful resources are these two sites (ymmv with Tineye since it pulls up almost every instance of an image having been used online BUT it also lists links by date so you may be able to track down a first instance if you keep scrolling)



Last resource I'll plug for now is Magic Poser, something I tend to recommend to artists more than anything but on the off chance someone is looking to commission an artist or make an art request and have a specific scene/pose in mind but dunno how to sketch it out this app can help


I'll note that some of the other models/assets may cost money but there's also a reasonable balance of free ones as well and if anything you can mess about with just the basic shapes to get what you're going for (I'm prone to throwing around cubes, cylinders and rectangles/tubes to get some of what i want :sweat_02:)

but hopefully these resources can be useful :doggo:

So... you're all novelists now? Or was this meant to say "free resources for creators"?

Edit: I'm begging you all. Novelists have been making covers on this platform long before AI art was even a thing. Please stop being patronizing and offering unsolicited advice.

Er... I'm sorry, what exactly is the problem here?

I've seen a number of novelists both on the forums and discord using AI images for their covers. Now Tapas has said that AI is no longer allowed, so I thought it might be helpful to some people who maybe spend their time and creative energy focused on writing and haven't really looked so much into art or design to have access to resources recommended by those of us who spend more of our time on the visual side of things or perhaps have training in that area. Yes, most of us will be comic artists because comic artists love to draw and talk about art and visual stuff and often know a lot about making art quickly and cheaply- it's kind of our thing.

At no point has anyone said that no novelists know how to make art. And I don't think putting out some resources in a thread people are free to look at or ignore at their leisure qualifies as "unsolicited advice". It's not like I'm going up to specific novelists, shoving this thread in their face and saying "uh, listen, hun. You should maybe look at this resources, 'cause I'm not saying your cover is fugly but... well..." It's more like... I dunno, unsolicited making knowledge freely available?

If the thread isn't of use for you, it's probably because it's not for you. It's for people who were using AI because they don't have artistic training and who now feel frustrated or upset because they perhaps don't know where to start on making something of equal quality without that. This was meant to be a positive thread for artists (including artists who make novels rather than comics) to help those people out rather than shaming or laughing at them like "HAR HAR we told you not to use AI!" like a lot of people might expect us to. If you weren't even using AI and can draw just fine... like... great? Carry on doing that? This thread probably isn't for you.

  1. Just because someone can draw does not mean "most of us will be comic artists." In fact, most of us have been writing and drawing for years and know all about copy-rights, free image sourcing, and free resources. Again, novel covers didn't just randomly appear after AI art did.
  2. You didn't say creators. You said novelists. Specifically. Even though that AI art you've been seeing has been posted by all sorts of creators (novelists and comic artists alike)
  3. If this was something someone asked for and needs, that's fine. But assuming the poor, unknowing novelist just must need help~ is again, patronizing and unsolicited.

I'll continue to comment on a public forum, thanks. Since this was directed at novelists and I happen to be one. Unlike the majority of posters on this thread.

I thought the thread is for the new novelists that haven’t understand or don’t know about the site policies. I don’t think the thread is bad, but it may be good for the newer novelists who aren’t aware of the rules.

Novelists aren't the only ones using AI. Resources aren't bad. The fact that all of these resources keep being shoved at novelists only is my issue with it.

Please do not take this thread personally.

I'm pretty positive that no one here is trying to be negative or patronizing.

These are questions that pop up very often when novelists reach out to artists for help in concerns to this topic, I see no reason not to compile the information so novelists get all the resources that they need. Artists thought it would be helpful because they are often asked about stuff like this even before the topic of AI.

I would love to know what makes comic artists entitled to be the experts on novel covers? Especially when I've already stated that covers were made well before AI art using free resources. Why the thread now? :sip:

If you have an implicit bias that suggests that novelist aren't also artists, don't know what to do with covers now that AI art is ban, or need the help of their friendly-neighborhood comic artist then you are who I am annoyed with. Because novelist have been repeatedly belittled and ignored by the comic creators on Tapas and the platform as a whole until now.

And since as a novelist, I'm telling you all that this is more offensive then helpful, I would hope that you would listen instead of telling me it's not that deep.

Hey, you aren’t liking this thread because you put words in it no one said. There’s a handy button that lets you stop looking at this thread, 10/10 recommend it for when you don’t like something

I can't provide resources to help comic artists who use AI. If somebody is using AI to make a novel cover, it's usually because they're not trained or experienced in art, but need one decent image and probably aren't interested in learning the entirety of making visual art to do so.

Obviously, some novelists don't have this problem because they can draw just fine, and others may have the money to commission an artist. They also won't run into this issue. But from observation on the forums and discord, the most common reason novelists use AI is "I can't draw, I don't have the time to learn and I don't have money to commission an artist."

But comic artists? If somebody is using AI to make a comic, it's generally a choice, because they'd need to do so much editing to make it work, and it can't be resolved by knowing about a few resources. Those people literally just need to go and learn to draw or find a totally new pipeline for making pages (like 3D models, sprites or something). I can't help them in just a thread.

I can help people who don't normally make art, but need to make one decent looking image, but I can't so easily help somebody who needs to change their entire approach to making a form of storytelling composed largely of images.

Um... because we also make covers and have to compete in a more crowded market? Because we spend all day making art and have to be really efficient at it? I'm not just a comic artist. I've also spent years as a professional illustrator and had my work published by Penguin Randomhouse and stuff. I have done multiple commissions in the past for book covers specifically, and in my dayjob, I work on a children's book series IP published by Walker Books, which includes giving feedback on book covers and giving feedback to book illustrators. Nowhere in this thread did it even say "Comic artists! Give advice to the poor little novelists!" it's just that comic artists were mostly the ones who decided to help! Nothing is stopping novelists from helping out here, and honestly I'd encourage it!

The thread is happening now because Tapas literally just said that AI covers are being banned and people who have them need to make new covers. I know some novelists are unaffected by this, but I don't think anyone ever said all novelists are.

Now if you want to give advice as a novelist who makes covers, please, you'd be very welcome to, but if not, kindly leave the thread so it can either be of use or sink into the depths of the forum naturally if people aren't finding it useful and choose not to engage with it.

Because the topic has been popping up a lot in discords since the ban? So having a thread in the tapas forums just seems like the best way to share the information without having to repeat it or with it getting lost in the chat.

Honestly it's been pretty helpful for me for when I have to do novel covers, I'm an artist but the requirements for novel covers are not the same as the requirements for comics and comic covers, so the process and even the styles and looks that novel readers prefer as compared to comics is a little different and having easy access to the resource is nice for me cause I don't have to scroll through chats looking for the links sent to me about it.

Artists often make resource dumps like this for other artists as well, we'll have whole threads or even just whole discord servers just for photoshop/CSP brushes, and nothing about that is condescending to other artists. Easy access to resources just makes everyone life easier, and gatekeeping tools, references, resources or 'how to's' generally isn't a very common thing for artists to do.

I feel like this is a thread for younger novelists or people who are just starting out to find resources. Maybe the thread should be reworked to comic creators who do use AI. But I haven’t heard of comic artists who use AI on Tapas, not that I know of.

I'm sure those were a lot of good words, but all I'm asking is for the original post to say "creators" instead of "novelists." Because at the end of the day we're all saying the same things: this is helpful to everyone and resources are good.

There are whole lawsuits about AI comics. And covers aren't only things novelists need. Even using AI art as a background is now also in question.