7 / 53
Mar 2021

Greetings! Gonna sub to those I haven't yet! I'll drop my work here as well!

Done, my dear! I'll check your work soon and leave a comment xD

I've already subbed to your story from another thread. But if anyone wanna trade subs, I'm all for it!

Just subscribed to your novel. Please check out my comic and subscribed. If anyone else here was to trade subs, please let me know.

I have only read a little bit, but I'm enjoying it so far. I have subscribed to it. Please take a look at my comic, KIRA: A Star Wars Story.

Sure, let's help each other out, here's my comic that's a slice of life story about the office life of a demon lady, and her boss.

Just subscribed.:smile: Here's my novel.

I love all of the webcomics here so far! Here's mine

Gave you a sub. More than just a sub in return, I hope something here is of interest. :grinning:

Hello, thank you for the opportunity to share. I would love to reach that milestone as well. I just subbed. I would really appreciate it if you decide to check my novel out as well!


"Grave of Memories"
Now reach 37 Episodes
Genre : Action/Fantasy
The Sinopsis : It all started when God inflicts a curse upon the deceased so they are forgotten the moment they passed. But an anomaly causes a child unaffected by the curse. Is that anomaly a divine fallacy? Or does it have an intentional purpose?

THIS TRAILER : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1-cT0mpNyk


Here its mine

You guys, we gotta hang in there. All this work will pay off one day.

3 of My Comics :slight_smile: