20 / 51
Oct 2024

On the left is my art style I had in the 80s.
It was influenced by various euro cartoons and comics.
Everyone had a giant nose like in Asterix comics.
My OC didn´t have eyebrows and didn´t have a chin,
the thing on top of his eye is part of his hair. I never sketched anything because I didn´t know that
comic artists do that and started with the outlines. I usually started
with the giant nose. I never drew woman in the 80s

On the right is my style today, the style always depends on what kind
of comic I´m drawing. This one is for an all ages audiences. The style
varies a little bit but I think it´s always recognizable.

I read questions about styles a lot on the internet, especially people asking
how to "find your style". It´s just something that comes automatically when
you draw sequential art and it changes with your influences. I didn´t know
a lot of styles when I was a kid in the 80s and I´m influenced by more styles
now. But style isn´t something you find, it´s kind of something you can´t avoid
except when you are trying to draw hyper realistic, but hyper realisitic sequential
art doesn´t exist, sequential art is always stylized in some way

I agree, I try different things at different times. This is just the style over time that I've found comes comfortably to me, and I like. When I want to do more serious looking things I often change it up, and also for my more whimsical type pieces.

tysm, and I honestly think most people's art is always evolving as long as they keep on learning and drawing

agree, and this is definitely what I was talking about in the OP. yeah, most people have ways of drawing things that they lean toward, but you can also actively craft new ways of doing things to make things more visually interesting for yourself and find what you like which I have done a ton over the years.

Since I have a DTIYS challenge going on right now for this character, I made a spreadsheet of her drawn in several different styles I've created over the years. Some for comic strips and some just for fun. I'll probably keep and revise a lot of these for use in my comic strips still, because as @delladz 's mentioned, I don't want (or intend to) leave my art in a box either.

yeah, i do this with my comic strips. I have a different style for all of them unless they exist in the same world as each other

Here is a question for everyone. Do you like or love your own art style or do you constantly think you
could do better or are not happy with it?

I always loved my art style, when I draw a character it feels like the character is coming allive.
This doesn´t mean that I´m not aware of all the technical and anatomical imperfections, that´s
the part I want to improve on. Anatomy, rendering, coloring, shading etc.

I'm with you, I know my art has a lot of room for improvement in accuracy, rendering, coloring, anatomy, lighting, shadows, etc, but I do genuinely like my art style, it feels like it suits me well

I love it but I think it could be leveled up some more. The way I draw them is exactly how I picture them in my brain

My art style has definitely evolved over the years. Around 90-91, when I was a senior in high school, it was heavily influenced by the Simpsons, as you can tell here:

I didn't like copying the Simpsons style though, and headed off in a new direction:

And another one

When I started drawing again in 2022 I tried to pick up my old early 90's style again:

But I didn't like it. I knew I could do better, especially with the new drawing hardware and software, so I redid those characters:

As time passed and i got some practice in (and also learned the software better) my style evolved to be more realistic, but I still kept "cartoon eyes" and eyebrows for Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy days:

When I started Finding Daecon's Way I honed the realistic look but lost the cartoon eyes:

Then I decided to stop fighting my natural limitations (I have a medical condition that causes shaky hands, making drawing smooth lines very difficult). Here you can see a good example of the shaky hands: Just look at the lines on that horse's legs:

And so I started using a more sketch-like style. I can easily do short strokes, so using many short strokes to get my shapes works. More important, though, is that I actually prefer the look:

Since I adopted this method I have been further refining the art:

...and that is where I stand today. This new book cover is my most recent drawing:

I like the new leveled up style of figure drawing but the wild nights / hot & crazy days style has something
too. Especially the coloring

My art style is influenced by anime and manga, more specifically, CLAMP's earlier works, Hayao Miyazaki, Yoshitaka Amano, and a little bit of Akira Toriyama (moreso for the action sequences rather than character designs). More recent artistic influences are Tsutomu Nihei and manhua artist Xu Xianzhe (Blades of the Guardian).

26 days later

I've kind of switched up the art style for my newest comic "Mental Soup" It's very simplistic and the colors are intentionally flat, kind of giving the vibe of old comic strips made with limited colors

20 days later

Thought I'd talk about another one of my Art styles. This one is probably inspired by the children's books I used to read as a little kid and also some cartoons. I use the water color setting for it and I love how loose all the details look in this style. Just enough to allow people to imagine in the rest of the details

Despite the fact that I'm not really a gamer, my art style is heavily influenced by video game art, especially Eastern RPGs such as Final Fantasy, Ragnarok Online, Koei Warriors (Dynasty, Samurai, Orochi, etc.). However, since I'm primarily a penciler, I also gravitate towards manga, where black-and-white reigns supreme.

Old fanart of a manga I like:

Sometimes we're influenced by the things we see even if they aren't our hobbies. the world around us will always have an effect on us and video games are unavoidable XD

I dug back up yet another one of my old art styles today

Hee, I used to subscribe to game magazines, browse MMORPG sites, wikis, etc. for art references. For the record, I do play games (used to play Koei warriors when PS2 was still a thing), but nowadays I just stick to casual mobile games.

The art for my comic CrimiNET is deeply inspired by early 2000s Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network cartoons. Mosty by the works of Butch Hartman, Craig McCracken, and even a bit of Jamie Hewlett in there, who is the artist who created Gorillaz in the early 2000s. I guess I'm just a sucker for thick-outlined characters in minimalistic backrounds.

Most my childhood memories are so spotty I cannot honestly say where I picked up my style. I know I watched a few animes, and no doubt I picked up some of my style from those... but it doesn't look like the animes I watched. Naruto, Inuyasha, FMA... So as for where is all began I really cannot say, probably random drawings I'd take and use as my rp characters while being entirely too young for rping with strangers online... but even looking back at old pieces I can see I've building upon whatever I came up with as a teenager.
Case in point (ignore 2007);

I know my shading style (on full pieces, not comics) was a poor attempt to copy one dark souls 3 fanart's rendering. I now do the great taboo of doing shadows with reds and other warm colours... Oh, and outlining the edges of the shadows a shade darker for some reason.

How I use overlay to make colours pop more came from a fill bucket mistake I made one and realized it was actually better, birthing my love of coloured "lighting" now. I probably overdo it; here's a very silver character straight up being purple because of my heavy overlay hand;

For a while I tried doing narrower eyes and more "realistic" range of expression and motion and what not-- since my tattoo artist of a father would shit on my "anime bullshit", but stopped caring in recent years because, well, why should i care about the opinion of someone who basically vanished from my life bar Christmas when I was 8? lmao. I'll make the eyes as big as I please, thanks..

Since it's been stagnating generally for years now, I think I'm stuck with it like it or not. If it's "me" I couldn't say, but it's mine. Do I like it..? For years I hated it, and I still find myself recoiling if I see it when I wasn't expecting it. I respect it for what it is now. It's never going to get me a job, fame, fortune, anything of the like on it's own and that's okay.(It can get a following if I use it for evil... My old blog proved such.). It's fine. It's my joy and I've been forcing myself to respect it as such, so count that as "Like" if you please.

i think colored lighting adds a cool effect. many kinds of lighting have at least a little bit of color anyway, we just don't notice them as often because we're used to blue and yellow light

I used a very different style for my most recent Mental Soup panel by I like the effect, though it's hard to trace what it reminds me of.