4 / 118
Mar 2021

So if you have been around for a while, you may have stumbled upon this topic of mine:

Sometimes I find myself waiting on college with nothing to do. Or waiting for the bus to show up. So to kill time I decided to open up this topic again, but this time for both comics and novels!
It could give you a boost regarding the algoritm.

Just drop your comic/novel below and I'll plow through them to drop likes (probably in automode so I can't promise I'll actually read it though :sweat:)

((Also if I already liked all your episodes I can't do it :sweat_smile:
Finally, please keep it to one comic/novel please. I may close this whenever I see fit

Edit: since multiple people asked whether I have a work of my own, I do!

Don't feel obligated to visit it though, this is for free no strings attached

  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Aug '21
  • 117


  • 4.3k


  • 100


  • 119


  • 50


Frequent Posters

There are 117 replies with an estimated read time of 6 minutes.

Cool, go nuts!

That is kind of you to give your time like that. I do hope I win your subscription for something though namely with my main webcomic here.

Then there's my completed family gag-a-day series.

And my upcoming series which is all recipes for now.

here's my webcomic! thanks for doing this :smiley:

I'm not sure if you've already checked my series out before, but thank you for this opportunity.

Tell me what you think in the comments!

Got plenty to go through. Just might become a new reader too. :wink:

Sure, I'll toss mine in!

Do you have anything we can check out in return? Also here's my novel. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but hey.

I might have already sent my link before but here goes anyway.

This is mine. And now I shall go and read some of the other works posted here.

Ah yeah, I do have a comic but I don't want to force anyone to check it, I don't expect anything in return. There's a link to my tapas page in my bio though if you want to check it.

@Messaff well this is awkward, I'm already subbed so I can't like pages because I have already hearted them :sweat_smile:

Oh this sounds great, it would be awesome if you read mine too :smiley:

Here is my novel. I hope you enjoy and I have others too.

Ooh, thanks for this! :slight_smile:
Here's my novel!