16 / 19
Oct 2022

Hey there! My name is Justin and I'm working alongside a few of my friends to write a webtoon series. This project started 2 years ago, but the original artist couldn't continue because they now have a full-time job and they feel bad only giving us 1 page every month. We're very much team players and didn't want to replace her, but she's understanding and suggested that we find a new primary artist :')

The project is called Crows: The Book of Decimation and takes place in a post-apocalyptic time where Earth is now being roamed by supernatural creatures including, but not limited to werewolves, vampires, mythological creatures, and even demons. Humanity lives underground but has experimented with demon souls to craft "super soldier-like" people to fight on the surface. There's a lot more that goes on in this story, but that's pretty much the bare bones.

This is paid with each page being $20 FOR NOW! Originally, there were only 2 out of the 4 of us who had income so that's what we were able to afford 2 years ago. Now that all 4 of us have jobs, an increase is possible, but we prefer to stay in $20 due to the old artist sticking with 20 and it's a lot faster to pay 20 for all of us since 3 of us have bills. But, the reason why I say "for now" is because we planned on increasing it with the OG artist when the webtoon started releasing and gaining some traction. Also, we plan on potentially publishing it as well so you will get revenue along with still being paid by the page. In addition, the OG artist wanted us to find a background artist and she had cut her pay by 50% so she started getting 10 and the new background artist received the other 10. If you want us to keep the background artist, you might need to take the pay cut, but we can discuss it further if needed. If the background artist is not needed, then the whole 20 is yours. Lastly, the OG artist still wants to be a part of the team so if you don't mind, maybe she can be a concept artist. She really enjoyed the project and stayed with us for 2 years. It's up to you though and your payment will not be shared.

We're looking for an artist that can either imitate the pages shown OR doesn't mind redoing the pages we already have in their own image, but we would like something gritty such as what's shown. More than anything though, we want a team player. The OG artist has become like family and we really enjoyed working with her to the point where we're actually friends. We want to be friends with you and make you a part of the project just as much as we are.

We can discuss scheduling and how many pages can be done, but ideally, we hope that it doesn't take 2 years to make 13 pages haha. We understand everyone is busy and has their own lives, so we don't actually have a time limit. It's just about making money and progress at this point.

You can contact me directly or comment on this post. If you're interested in working together, I'll share the discord (that's our primary form of communication).

  • created

    Sep '22
  • last reply

    Nov '22
  • 18


  • 1.7k


  • 7


  • 20


  • 5


Hey, it would really help if you show us some pages you already have, as well as how your panel layout is/how many panels per page.

Yeeeeah, I was going to upload 5 pages, but I accidentally clicked the submit button haha. I just commented the dropbox link

Okay, so... I will say working at about $2 per panel is pretty low. Assuming it takes two hours to sketch, ink, color, add shadow and highlights, then add text, that's probably around $1 an hour of work. That is well below the minimum wage.

I get if you're struggling financially as a group (trust me, I definitely get it) but tbh at this point you absolutely should increase the offer if you are able, rather than waiting. And even if your artist is fine with the current fee, for her own sake and out of respect for her I would increase her pay.

All that out of the way, what sort of turnout are you looking for? Like about how many pages per month, how much money can you spend at a time? I could probably whip out about 8 pages a week if I wanted, but you'd have to be able to manage that financially. So maybe setting those expectations as well.

Your artist's style wouldn't be hard to mimic I think, but there would be a lot of anatomical differences between her work and whoever you bring in, just due to education level/experience. It may be better to hire a new/dedicated artist and just redraw the first few pages, but you'd definitely need to up the pay for that.

It's definitely a dedicated and long-term/big turnout. Increasing the offer will need to be discussed with the others as well, but at this moment, I'd say it's not out of the question. I know I can, but I can't speak for the other 3.

Regarding pages per month, that's difficult to say. at minimum, a page per week so I guess 4 pages a month, but if anyone, including yourself, can do more, that's great. Payment, however, might get stretched out though if it gets increased. We definitely pay, but because our jobs pay us with different salaries, you might be waiting longer for payment from one of us compared to the other, you know?

I just sent the message out to the other 3, but if you want to discuss more with me, my discord is Master Zigway#9209

Yeah I totally get it. Payment isn't a huge deal to me personally, but I know it will help you bring in more options of artists who are good at what they do.

Anyway, do you have a script up? I wouldn't mind having a look. I'm not sure if my style20 would suit you folks, you can have a look yourselves. But I do wish you guys the best either way and I think it's great that you have a proper team working together, that's hard to come by.

Ah, this is my most recent scene. Did this one this morning.


I'd be happy to check your script if you're interested, just DM me if so.

We do have a script, but I'm not sure how to DM you. I clicked on your profile, but there's no area where I can message you haha

Click the little image icon for me here and there should be a 'message' option, I think. If not you can message me on instagram. I do have Discord but I usually like to keep it separate from work stuff.

What's your insta? There's isn't a message icon

Think that the person needs the basic status before being able to access PM's in the forums. That might be why it's not working.

18 days later

I'm interested, but here's my proposal. I cant match an art style well or do amazing lines, but I love to color and shade. Could I split the work with someone? We'd be able to get more done with 2 people, they could do lines and I could finish the product. More pages would be made quicker and we could each work on our specialty. Please reply if you'd like to work with me

1 month later

closed Nov 27, '22

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