5 / 8
Sep 2022

Nice to meet you all, im an artist ho have interest in making an long webtoon and I have ideas for fantasy and comedy proyects.

My only request on this is to work with someone who has experience (writing stories) So if you are interested, send me a message here or leave me some of your work in the comments!
An example of my art:

  • created

    Sep '22
  • last reply

    Oct '22
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I just joined Tapas, so I can't initiate PMs yet, but I'd be interested in working together.

Here is the first few paragraphs of a story I wrote:

The wooden halls of the dining room at Gryphonwood Outpost were relatively plain. The same oak composed of almost everything, giving the room a room and all of the furniture a monotone brown that rarely differed. The log walls were barely decorated, except for the occasional pelt or stuffed creature gazing blankly upon the diners. The python drakon head was likely the most impressive of the decor to most, with his serpentine face posed with an open mouth as if caught in mid-strike. The drakon had hung in the dining room for generations, slain by a ranger long ago. Sophia had always hated it and its lifeless scales. She’d touched them once; the cold armor had felt both familiar and wrong. Sophia much preferred the single hanging tapestry, worn and frayed, but still proudly displaying the golden gryphon crest of the outpost. Its powerful legs were held aloft in the air, against the traditional crossed arrows of the rangers. At least it spoke to the history of the outpost, instead of some drakon that couldn’t even be found in the region anymore. It, like most of the other monsters, were hidden deep within the Wilds.

The rest of the room had little else to differentiate it from its own wooden blandness. The dining halls of the ranger camp hadn’t hosted anyone of importance in a long time, and the rangers felt no need to have an ostentatious place to eat. Day after day, the long wooden tables and benches were filled with dirt-covered rangers and the outpost staff, enjoying a hot meal and some company to take a break away from the ever-constant work. All the tables but one were full, as the rangers knew to avoid the one particularly wobbly table that was the bane of the last to enter the dining room. Currently, it was lunch for the senior rangers, the first lunch of the day. The men laughed and chatted, enjoying the steamed root vegetables and venison at its freshest. The rest of the rangers would eat second, followed by the staff of the outpost. The vegetables were bound to be limp and cold by then. Amongst the senior officers sat a single young ranger, who’s hair was not yet greyed by age, and skin still smooth without the mar of battle scars. Sophia of no last name, a ranger of Gryphonwood Outpost, was currently trying to enjoy her meal while dodging the wild elbows that seemed to find their way into her sides, no matter how she tried to wriggle between the two men who owned them. Unlike the rest of the room, Sophia ate silently, simply trying to finish her meal and go. The other senior rangers had been outraged at first; why should some young girl, no matter how long she’s been here, get the benefits of a senior ranger? Even before she had begun dining with them, she had been given special privileges, such as her own private room, personally ordered by Lord Captain Perrin, whom Sophia served.

This apparent favoritism had led to all kinds of rumours. Some believed she was the secret child of the Lord Captain; others believed her to be his young lover. Few of the senior rangers even seemed to consider that Sophia had received the position of her own merit, after serving the last eight years at the Outpost. But the men much preferred rumours. And although they had ceased bothering her directly, used to her unwanted presence at the table, they relented to occasionally hitting her with one appendage or another. Sophia had little other choice than to sit with them, men crowded either side of her. When she’d tried sitting at the end, she was roughly shoved onto the floor. The ranger had claimed it to be an accident. His barely hidden smile had said otherwise. Another time, Sophia tried the wobbly table, hoping it would give her a little more room to herself, as only the unlucky rangers who couldn’t find a seat elsewhere dare risk a slip of the knife or their peas rolling away during a bad and sudden tilt. And although Sophia did finally have enough room to eat without tucking her elbows into her sides, one particularly placed hit of the table had sent her potatoes into her lap. At least in the midst of elbows, she got to eat.

When it comes to comics, I rework the story into a new format. It tends to read simpler, and is divided by panel for the artist.

Panel 1: Fade out, and fade into a new scene. The river is at the top, and for a long panel, we scroll down to see Palatyne, Melior, and Melusine swimming as children. The three are in their dragon forms, which look similar to their human forms; however, they are completely scaled, with two fins for legs, and their hair and eyes have changed colours. You can see Melusine reaching for a treasure at the bottom of the river.

P2: Melusine swipes the beautiful shell, showing off its unique colours.

P3: Melusine pops up above the river water with the shell in hand, where her two sisters are splashing each other.

P4: (Speech bubble) “Look, Melusine found a treasure!” Melior shouts, and the two sisters immediately rush over to grab it,

P5: (SB) “I want it!” “I want it!” A sibling fight insures, with hair pulling and biting.

P6: Melusine manipulates the river, showing her powers over water, and creating a wave to push her sisters away.

I start with the more intricate story before I begin adapting for comics, but I am happy to switch up my style to work better with your preferences. If you're interested, I can still respond to PMs! :smile:

Is this a paid job or an unpaid collaboration?

You should edit it into your original post. Plus if the writers will work on your ideas you really should considering saving money and hiring one.

You've made several threads looking for Writers and I'm surprised that by the amount of these and those that offered, I don't see your portfolio growing (The samples have been the same despite you've made like 15 Topics looking for collaborators in creating Webtoons) neither I see proper comic/webtoon samples, just one... somewhat manga page in your dA but that's it... and just one panel was drawn, while the others were mostly photo manipulations.
And by digging both your Twitter, DeviantART and Instagram, the so little amount of works and some even from 2020, makes me question if you're really able to make a proper webtoon.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not accusing you of anything, but the images from your accounts doesn't seem to have anything at all that makes me think the same person did them, some even don't look likes images, but edits especially with the images with human characters, these looks like edits of 3d models more than 2d drawn images and these don't even look proper enough, at least to me, to be used in webcomic, they are so static/rigid and always close ups or bust shots.

Your English doesn't seem to be very good either, and you'll need to have a somewhat a decent ability to communicate if you want a collaborator or if you even want to have a fanbase to interact with.

When it comes to webcomics, or at least when it comes to pitching a collaboration, try to have the following answers before hand.

  1. Paid or unpaid?
  2. If you already solve the genre of the story? Provide a small summary or at least your ideas
  3. If you don't write. Do you have the characters, the worldbuilding, lore, something that the writer could work on to build the story?
  4. Do you have an idea how to create comics? Panneling, arrangement, lettering?
  5. Are you going for realistic or far fetched goals?
  6. How many panels per episode and how many episodes do you plan the webtoon to be?
  7. You had several writers offering to collaborate through those 15 Topics you made, what are you looking for exactly? Why those previous collaborations didn't work? You ask for someone experienced, but you don't seem really experienced when it comes to art or at least comic making
  8. What can you offer in exchange of a writers abilities if you can't offer money? Because, I doubt that several of the writers here who would love to have a comic of their novels hand't offered already, despite they are within the genres you've requested... so I believe that your ideas seem to be a bit picky
29 days later

closed Oct 8, '22

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