8 / 12
Sep 2021

Hello I'm vs you can find my ig at @vsrstuff if you like to see some of my work ^^
Atm i find myself having more free time so I figured it will be great time to work on some comics! So I'm looking for a writer to work on a comic script and develop a story with.
The style of comic I will like to do as the title suggest will be a queer story in the style of shows like Q-Force, Big mouth and maybe even something in the style of owl house since I absolutely love witches tho I'm bad at coming up with magic systems XD
In pretty open with most genres tho my favorites will be horror, drama and modern fantasy and I will like to work on something a bit longer then a one shot tho we can start from something short and go from there if we see that we get along well
What I'm looking for:
Someone who is 18+
Someone with experience with writing that will be open to ideas and having me also helping with the writing
Someone who will be responsive
Preferably someone with high English skill since my mother tongue is not English, so it will be great if yours is
Feel free to contact me here or on ig if it sound like something you be Interested at! (Or if you have any questions)

  • created

    Sep '21
  • last reply

    Oct '21
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Hey, am interested in being your writer but i have one question, are you going to do the art? or you are going to look for an artist later? and other thing am not huge fan of magic but i´ll do my best in helping you with your magic system. Here is my discord Yisus#7416 in there i can send you some of my work. Have a good day

the art will be done by me and don't worry it doesn't have to be around magic, its about what we both will come up with and if magic is not one of the elements of the story then its ok ^^

Ok, then am in here is my discord Yisus#7416. let me know if you want to talk in another plataform.

I think I might be interested. I have experience writing diverse LGBT characters in all sorts of settings from modern, fantasy, and science fiction.


I've been writing for several years now, and I've even self published a number of books that have good reviews.

Let me know if you're still looking, but I also have a few questions. Can we see some of your art? Is this a paid position? And how quickly would you like to start working?

Also here are a few reviews my books have received but there are more on Amazon:

thank you for showing interest, my art you can find here https://www.instagram.com/vsrstuff/23 and no this is not a pay position, im looking for someone who will do it with me collaborative, if you still interest tho feel free to massage me on discord vsrstuff#5918

I'm interested. Though I'm not 18(but I'm almost there) I can handle older stuff pretty well, I'm super into magic and can develop it really well for you and my first language is English. My available times are 8am-4pm from Mondays - Fridays. I'm only available through email and I'm down to work 100% free. If you would rather have me as a proof reader that's fine too. If your interested then contact me at dying.inside.lol.help@gmail.com
I will also let you know when I'm not available if not said times/days.

i just stop here because I want you to tell me when the comic is starting to be posted! you can send a dm here on tapas or on my instagram @samiluuofficial / twitter @samiluucomics

Hey, your art is really cute! Your favourite genres are pretty much in line with mine [even though I don't like horror so much now, I still write it, begrudgingly]. I actually have a current story I'm trying to work on now that fits that description, but I don't think it'll be something I'll have done any time soon.

Maybe we could discuss some ideas to see if we get we get along. I don't have IG, but we can DM here, or on Discord if you have an account.

yeah sure my discord is vsrstuff#5918 if you like to write me there

1 month later

closed Oct 21, '21

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