3 / 15
Dec 2021

Hello, I can pay $5 USD per panel. Payment via paypal.
I am looking for multiple assistants to help me with line art. I want to cycle through assistants, so you will be working on around 5-6 panels a month.

Must work with .csp files.
You do not need prior experience with making comics.
Must line in vector layer.
5 day turnaround at most.
Must have Discord.

You can choose to take a test via Discord. It is optional, but I will priortise those who take the test. If interested, contact me on Discord: Red#7876
I will provide colour palette that you will use to do the line art in.
No this is not a contract. I'm underaged to sign a contract anyways.
(Oop- sorry I didnt clarify. This will be the test vvv)

  • created

    Dec '21
  • last reply

    Jan '22
  • 14


  • 1.5k


  • 5


  • 4


  • 4


It is not for nothing but I suspect that the test is a way to get even cheaper -free- the work of several artists.
If you don't, I'm sorry, but I think it's normal for me to distrust when clients and employers in the illustration industry are trying to make artists more precarious and exploit more and more.

Oh the test will be, see the drawing I sent? Yea you will line art that sketch

Normally there is no tests involved if it is not permanent contract position. An artist's portfolio and track record is enough to prove the capability. If they are interested to take the amount you offer.
It is almost disrespect to test an artist's skill imo. If you're afraid that they unable to do the task up to your quality, best is to ask them for their work and track record on Tapas.

Actually... not all artists are compatible, so being able to test out how someone else's sketches are able to be linearted by someone who doesn't know about the in between changes/invisible lines/ doesn't have a similar art style either; is a way to avoid getting stuck, be it an unsatisfied main artist or an assistant that doesn't know how to adapt to the other person's previous work.

It is not disrespectul, unless you yourself are unsure about your own inking abilities. An artist who wants to be hired and one that wants to hire rather test this out in order to determine if they are compatible or not, or if the collaboration satisfy the artists involved aesthetic equally even when it's the main artist's judgement the one that matters.

My reply stated that "if it is not permanent contract position".

Even if it's not long term is still paid work, inking 5-6 panels... won't take more than an hour probably considering the style of the main artist. So it's not a great lost of time either

:slight_smile: then you should take up this offer then. Wish you best.

Thank you everyone who reached out to me. Right now I have confirmed 5 assistants, with many more pending (they are doing the test). I am no longer looking for assistants.

1 month later

closed Jan 8, '22

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