

Jun 14, '21
Last Post
Oct 5, '22
Jul 26, '23
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Y has pensado que estaban excluidos porque EEUU los odia y obliga a bloquear económicamente a los países que no le gustan? Es la política de la empresa, no de los eventos ni los organizadores.

To a lot of my friends would be awesome that tapas or webtoon not exclude Cuba and Venezuela :cry:...

Hi, I am interested and would like to know more. This is my portfolio And my instagram

Hi, I am interested in the lineart and colorist position. This is my portfolio I could make between 7 and 8 panels a week. At a price between 20 and 35 dollars per panel, depending if it is only color or also the lineart (20 for color and 15 for lineart). …

Hi, my art is not exactly anime, but if you want to look it anyway [image] [image][image][image][image][image][image][image][image]

I try to do watercolors again. I hadvthe feeling that use the digital could made me worse artist [image]

Hi, what art style you prefers?

Hi! Are you waching for some concrete art style?

hello, this is my portfolio What kind of cover are you interested in? one character or several? half body or full body? in color?

Hello, I am interested in doing it for that price (in total it would be 60 usd for 3 illustrations, right?). This is my instagram, but I can imitate styles Do you want it in colors?…

One question: you mean pages or panels? Because 24 pages are a lot :astonished:.

Hi, this is my art, if you like, you can contact with me here in this forum

Hi, im interested, but you want a concrete art style or you are open to the art of the artist? This is my art

Hi, im interested, but what kind of assistance ypu need? This is my instagram and

I send you a message 🥰

It is not for nothing but I suspect that the test is a way to get even cheaper -free- the work of several artists. If you don't, I'm sorry, but I think it's normal for me to distrust when clients and employers in the illustration industry are trying to make artists more precarious and exploit more a…

What does the test consist of?

Hi! This is one example of my art of monsters and all my art. If you like it, we could talk [image] My portfolio And my instagram is

Hello. I am a Spanish artist. You can see some examples of my art here or on my instagram Your image reminds me of one I made... [image] and I like your idea, although we could still make a cupcake dipped in blood and the …

Hi, what level of ink you want? It include the shadows of just line?

Hi! I want to ask what is your idea for the art style. I can draw manga and semi realistic art This are some examples [image] [image] My instagram account is

Should i made this more detailed? I like like this 🥰 [image]

I would like to know if my style fits into the style of the principal artist or if I would have to adapt, the payment, the dates to know the time I would have to make the background, how many backgrounds, the level of complexity, to know if I should use a specific program or if i can use clipstudiop…

Hi, im interested, can i ask about more information? This is my art. I can do a really detailed backgrounds.

This are my last drawings [image] [image]

Hi, what kind of art stile are you watching for? This is my portfolio

Hi, im interested, but what is the mail?

Hi! i'm interested in creating the cover, these are the two manga style models i can draw. [image] [image] Here I have my instagram so you can see my art You can talk with me here. May i send you a dm? I never know it with this forums...