20 / 26
Aug 2021

Lookin some more feedback, critique, advise, and views!!!

Thanks, for checking this Topic out, and if you enjoy my book, please like and subscribe!!!

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    Aug '21
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    Aug '21
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I'll check yours out and read it through, sub, like, and give a review! Could ya do the same for me?

Hi @CateaComix! I read The 4 Monarchs, and here are my thoughts!

  • I definitely think this story has potential

  • It might just be me, but in regards to the opening text, in the future maybe consider using fonts that are a bit easier to read? I did have to go back to re read some lines because of the font.

  • It is a bit weird that even though the humans waged war on the 4 gods and killed them, they still split into groups to worship them. I'd say most people wouldn't kill the gods they worship. If this is explained later, that's all good! If not, maybe you could make it so that some humans wanted to kill the gods, while some still remained loyal to them?

  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the impression you're drawing everything on one layer. If the program you use doesn't have layers, ignore this :sweat_smile: but if it does, I think it'd be very beneficial for you to learn how they work. Look up some tutorials on youtube!

  • In episode 3, the panels with the phone are a bit excessive and strange looking. All of that information could've been shown in just one panel that showed the entire phone. As creators of a visual medium, readability of the images is very important! Even if that means a more boring panel instead of something cooler looking.

  • Keep drawing! Keep practicing! Full bodies, animals, buildings, eyes, clothing, hair, from every angle, draw everything! And I can see that you avoid drawing hands at all costs, so that might be a good starting point :sweat_smile: It's ok, I used to avoid drawing hands like the plague too :joy:

  • I do hope we get to learn more about Percii and who they are. Your characters are the beating heart of your story after all!

  • The monster slayer episodes were a bit hard to understand what was happening. To see if your comic is understandable, maybe see if you can find some people to read it over before you post it? Friends or family, or even people here on the forum.

  • The dialogue in episode 6 is a bit unnatural. If Claud didn't introduce himself and instead went straight to asking if Percii was ok, and then Percii just saying they couldn't see would be more natural. Then have them do introductions a bit later. A tip I've heard is to try saying the lines out loud to yourself, and see how it sounds. Having other people read it over would help with this too!

  • Seriously, having other people read your work before you post it is so helpful. They have a much more objective view of your work and can pick out problems that you couldn't see because you're so close to it.

Holy shit I'm sorry this is so long :sweat_smile: I hope that at least some of this is helpful! I really want to see you improve, I'm rooting for you!!

I read your comic! Here are my thoughts:

  1. I like the narrative of this story, I find it quite interesting

  2. I really liked the opening monologue, but as @16BitInk said, the text is a bit difficult to read

  3. I believe the art needs a little bit of work, but it will absolutely get better as you practice more and as you make more chapters

  4. I like the character design, I like that none of them look normal at all, they stand out quite well

  5. I think that the opening scene with the MC needs a little bit more background. You kind of just dropped it in there without warning

  6. Keep up the good work, I think you've got potential!

i can't draw for my own life so I was just giving my feedback. I understand how drawing and writing must be quite difficult!

I will check your out. Do check out my novel if you like.

@JustABurningMemory brought up a good point about needing more background for Percii. A nice and easy way to do it is to show their bedroom! That tells LOTS about a person. Is it cluttered or freakishly neat? Do they have posters on every wall?? Do they have a huge fish tank with exotic fish in there?? Are they a reader? Or a gamer? Or a mountain climber?? Tell us through their room!

Not at the moment, no :cry: I am working on one though! Should be done uhh. In the next couple months? :joy:

another question. Does anyone know where I can promote that isn't here? I've essentially burnt out everyone here, and my gains are plummeting :joy: it's selfish, but I wanna grow quick :sweat:

hi! can you check my comic too! dont forget to rate :smiley:D

I subbed, your comic has a really cool concept. Feel free to have a look at my novel if you're interested:

i was already subbed :ribbon:

Here's mine if anyone is interested

Hello! Thanks for the feedback (again) as you can see, I am now adding a chapter that will explain more about Percii!!! (Also, in the beginning part 2, check out his bedroom!

I'm am looking for more views and feed back to giggles
I look at your at mine please sub as well i sub yours