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Jan 2017

Happy New Year Everyone! It's been more than half a year since I last visit Tapastic. So much things have changed for me and I definitely am looking forward to 2017!!! I debated whether to post this because I feel like it might set some of you down the wrong path but in the end, I feel like if I were to meet myself when I was 21, this would be something that I really wanted to share with him. The full time comic creator dream is tough and by no means am I there. But I feel like after the entire year of 2016, I can see some light and hopefully, things will get better.

First off, I am a comic creator and I have a series call, Rock Mary Rock (www.rockmaryrock.com), and It used to be a webcomic (I've uploaded about 20+ pages) but decided at the end of April last year to take it down. The reason I took it down was because

(1) I feel like if you're doing a webcomic, it will take you at least 3 years to gain a huge fandom (I know there are artist that blows up immediately on the scene but I was thinking realistically) to see any real cash. (By real cash I mean decent fanbase to do fundraising through kickstarter or ad money/pateron of at least $2k per month) So I contemplated for a long while and decided that I really can't wait that long and just wanted to see something immediate.

(2) I'm a huge comic con fan and it was really awkward for me to go to a convention and have a webcomic like, what do I do there? Do i print my own book and if I do, what if people find out it was a webcomic then what's the purpose?

Ultimately, I decided to just self-publish my comic and go to comic conventions to sell them and gain fans. Would I make a lot of money? For sure no, but the main factor for me to do it was because I wanted to see real results. What would people react to my comic and could i sell it just through my art and story? I wanted to see how far I could take it to and by no means was my method the best and right way to do it because there's no right way in this industry. Everyone's situation is different. Granted, my situation was slightly better because I had save up some money from previous year and am investing in this.

So all in all during 2016 after April, I went to 7 comic convention and just last month as I was rounding up my accounts, I broke even everything I did. The amount I had spend and broke even were for convention table costs, flights, hotels, books which i printed (1000 and am left with almost half), banner, prints, tonnes of bubble wraps, protector sleeve and printer. The conventions i went to includes Phoenix Comic Con, Denver Comic Con, Baltimore Comic Con, North East Comic Con, Metro Comic Con, and a few local shows in NJ. I also went to New York Comic Con which was the biggest and most important event for me last year.

I also started a newsletter when I was doing my con tour and the list is slowly adding up which I hope I can triple the number this year and eventually, my dream is to reach 1000 true fans in 5 years time and live off of that because my series is long. Because of the physical comics that I printed, I was able to give it to editors, writers, bloggers and the media people whenever I meet one. Sometimes these people would buy my comics and through conversations would I realize that they are pros in the industry. Because I kept showing up in some of these big cons that the publishers attend, I've gotten a few small gigs. Yes, real actual gigs for short comics from actual heavyweight publisher. I've also been invited to parties in conventions most notable, webtoon's creator party in New York Comic Con and talk to the managers, artist, the directors and they are one of the most humble, legit and passionate human beings I've ever seen on the planet. I've also made tonnes of friends and see first hand how some of these artist can make legit money in conventions. Yeah, legit as in $27k in a single convention show. CASH. Last year has open up my mind so so so much and if I had never made money, fans or contacts, I would still do it again this same way.

This year I am very inspired to work harder, do more and I've already line up at least 12 conventions for the year. (My goal is to do 20). I sincerely hope all the creators here a great happy new year and hopefully my little story can inspire some of you to go to comic conventions and take a look at the scene and perhaps, one day I might see one of you as my tablemate!

Your fellow artist,

  • created

    Jan '17
  • last reply

    Dec '18
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I think this is a very inspiring story. A true story of someone who has hustle, didn't make excuses, and got it done. Honestly, you are showing that one can make a living making comics and you can break into the professional world if you work hard enough.

I work a (non-art) day job that I really love and would never give up, but sometimes I day dream about what life would be like if I was an artist full time. It makes me so happy to see that there are others making it out there. It sure isn't easy! And we don't hear about it too often. I hear a lot of stories of struggle and complaint and never about when folks actually make it.

Thank you for posting this!! smiley

I work a non-art job that I would LOVE to leave if the comics thing became VERY lucrative...but at least with a reg gig, I can pay my bills, eat, and have some small entertainment joy(video games/DVD/Blu-ray movies/Going to the movies/buying comics & art stuffs/internet). I do work hard on my comics- I do my Ray Thunder2 webcomic as well as my printed series The Clique.

I went to some local conventions, and sold my Clique series there while working on my first year of Ray Thunder. Through all 4 cons I tabled at, I pretty much broke even on the table costs(maybe had a little extra); at the last con, I treated myself to some goodies(bought some Gundams & a Mr. T Funko POP figure). I also had some prints done, but my print sales werent as huge as my book sales; I think it was because I didnt have a large variety. I made 4 prints to start out with, but through the cons I noticed that others had at least 10 or more prints for sale. So this year, I've been working on some more print ideas...

I think I'm going to stick with 3-4 cons; the only thing that's kinda got me down in the dumps is that the con I wanted to do again the most- MomoCon is full. I requested to be on the standby list in case someone cancels, but I have this feeling that I'm not gonna get that opportunity. One of the cons is a small one that I did in February, but ever since I had gotten sick in October after the last con I've been on & off fighting a cough that wont go away and some issues with my chest tightening/breathing(due to history with asthma). I've also been slowed down by a tooth that needs to come out (going to the dentist soon)...so I havent been able to jump in to working on the next installment of my Clique series to have some new material ready in time for the Feb con, so I'm going to skip it and catch part 2 of that con in August(I should be able to have new material by then).

Just trying to finish scripting Ray Thunder Ch 2, start working on the art for that AND the next installment of The Clique, & get some print art done. I'm hoping I can start gaining a following this year so that I can get more financial support than just going to cons- that would be real nice!

Thank you so much for sharing this! I'm happy hearing that you're doing well! I learned things from your story. My first year doing cons which is last year is fine but it's not as inspiring as yours. I realized that you really have to be gutsy and approach others which I had difficulty of doing because my anxiety and self-doubt got the better of me. I plan to do better this year and be more brave and make more connections with people.

I do believe it's okay to have your comic printed even though you're posting it as a webcomic. Many artist does this and still do really well in sales. There are a lot of readers out there who still prefers to have physical copy. For me, the reason why I post my comic online is because I wanted to reach audience internationally since I don't live in America and our local comic community here is really small. Webcomics is the only way for my comic to be read overseas.

Anyway, I was really inspired by your story and am really pumped up to do better this year. Keep up the good work!

I'm glad you like the post! I know how tough it is to work on a day job and do comic. Last year, one of my best buddy did the same and she finally got a break and is releasing a new comic this year via Image with a pro writer. It is very very very tough and I would always hear about her struggle to put money together for shows but I've seen her fanbase grow literally with all these shows throughout the past few years. She does at least 3-4 and would just visit some and not table and I say that's probably the best way. Force yourself to at least do a few important shows but again, it is very very very tough. Everyone who has been through this knows. We will all make it soon!

Hi! I'm just happy to share about my journey. I have previous con experience but last year was the first time I was tabling as a comic creator. Previously I have just been doing shows as an artist mainly doing commissions. It is tough and you have to sell yourself but at the same time, not over sell yourself. (I know, conflicting instructions!) It really comes down to your booth setup, the things you are selling, the spot you are in (you can't control this one) and finally, your personality. I would say if you feel awkward talking to passerby, (everyone of us do!) before the show starts, try to get to the con early and finish setting up. Once you're done, walk around and great the other artist and say hi to them and once you start talking to people, you won't feel so bad and it will warm you up for the show when it starts. Outside of US, it really is tough being a comic creator but it can be done just much more tougher and takes longer. (I know because I'm from Asia) Just focus and together we can all make it!!!

Which part of Asia are you from? Just curious. As someone who lives in Asia as well I do agree with you in this. It's really hard but not impossible.

I actually been continuously experimenting on every conventions I've been so far. I actually find some of the creators there intimidating but I made a couple of friends as well which is super fun. I'll approach more people in the next con I'm in.

1 year later

I am back!!! Wohoooo! I left Tapastic for a year and the account was closed. The Dev's just got it back for me!!! It's almost 2 years since I set out my journey. Would anyone be interested on an update? LOL.

(p.s: And how is everyone? It's good to be back.)

Hi! I’ve been working in comics full time for a couple years now and our stories are pretty similar.

I started self publishing and doing small local zine shows and comics shows and the first comic I self published made its way to one of the publishers I work with now.

Conventions are the reason I have the career I have 100%.

You should look into other comics conventions. Some of my favorite conventions don’t have “comic con” in the title but are insanely well attended and offer a bit more of a relaxed atmosphere between creators and publishers. Most of the conventions I do (with the exception of SDCC) are aimed more at small press and indie/alternative publications and are much easier to make money at. My favorite is Small
Press Expo which is really blowing up in recent years. Just this past SPX they had Rebecca Sugar as a special guest. I’m also biased cus I was also a guest and got married there. :grimacing: But it’s still super great.

OH and I was also invited to the Webtoon thing at NYCC but I don’t like NYCC so I didn’t go but I probably should one day. I did go to another one they had at SDCC though!

I’m very interested to hear how you’re doing now!!!! UPDATE!

Your icon looks so familiar! It's always great to see fellow artist who has finally made it! I was at NYCC this year, we would have crossed path! Maybe in the future I'll see you at a show. The update became too long and so I did an entire new topic.

Making Comics Year 34