423 / 792
Mar 2021

I just reached 50 subscribers on my webtoon! It may not seem like a lot to some people, but it really means a lot to me. I'm glad that I was able to reach this many people. I hope you continue to support me if you're subscribed, and if you're not subscribed, to give subscribing a chance. Thanks!

Just got to 25 subscribers from the prologue! Let's see if I can get to the next milestone of 100.

plsss can i join in thegroup cause im new here

My personal Milestone was to get the first Chapter done! Today was the last update of Chapter01 ^3^
Next Milestone will be to finish Chapter02 soon haha :hype_01:

Not a subscriber milestone but I had to mention this. Probably one of my biggest milestones ever. My thread has reached 2.2k replies. This is just insane. Thank you guys so much who replies to this thread. it has been crazy that so many of you guys reply to it and hopefully, you guys manage to find other comics and novels to read as well.

I don't remember if i posted in this thread before, but just in case i didn't. Here are my comics :slight_smile:

Greetings! I am currently on the road to 100 subs! I update Menmar a couple days ago, I hope it's to your liking!

Hi everyone, my milestone is very small but almost at 10 subs :smile:
Why should you read my comic?
My comic is made to be silly and a fun time for all.

As of today, I've reached the 100 Subs milestone, and I'm so ecstatic!
In order to celebrate (As 100 is a perfect number to celebrate despite it might be so small), I've actually composed an Image also to thanks my supporters (That are, the Subs, of course... and who I work with... and who gave moral support!).

GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Drama
There are so many people in the World of Gaia, each one of them has a story to tell, of events that changed their life drastically, both for the better, and for the worst...
One start, and Five stories, of the preluding events that mark the beginning of the Story, of "The Golden Garden".

Set in a "Fantasy" world with Sci-fi roots, "Stories from the Golden Garden" is an Graphic Novel anthology that, following the Prologue, will tell 5 short stories about a few individual, all connected together by Destiny, while they celebrate 4 Holidays typical of their world, and also with the Origins of the Main Character, and that will all lead to the main story of "The Golden Garden".

Enjoy your Stay, Have a nice Day!

I recently got my 10th subscriber on Tapas. (11 now actually wtf how)
I know that sounds small but my comic is niche and Tapas is a tiny platform and honestly my readers are amazing :heart_eyes: There's so much engagement for the number of subs, there are several comments on every update (across Tapas and Webtoon) and I feel like the people who read my comic are genuinely enjoying it and that just... Blows my mind still.

I recently passed 25 followers and it would be so great to get to 30! I know it's small but I'm really surprised to have so many people interested in my new comic :smiley:

I've had this project in mind since last July, eek! So it's really nice to hit this tiny milestone.

I was planning to celebrate at 200 subs (just hit 194 today) but I realized that I hit 10,000 views and 2000 likes before then! Thank you all so much!
(Also, if you haven't checked out my comic yet, here's the link.)

Hello everyone, my name is Jason Poland, and I'm celebrating 350 subscribers! I draw a sweet comic about a dad and his son. Did I mention the dad is Dracula? :wink:

Please check out My Dad is Dracula if you could use more wholesome content in your day, thank you! :blush:

I just passed 100 likes on my webtoon canvas series today! My next milestone is 75 subscribers. Come check it out if you'd like! Help me reach my next goal :smiley:

I hit 40 subs on my series.:tapa_pop::sparkles::boom: (Series link is down below if you want to check it out)

Really cool comic, reminds me of the flash games I played so much when I was a kid.
My only complain is that sometimes I don't understand what's happening at the beginning of some rows.