54 / 792
Sep 2020

I got up to 25 subs (26 today), and I am very grateful and surprised because this is not what I expected.
My comic (link below) is all traditional art, and is done in a sketchbook:

Here is an example of the art.
I use very simple lines, and use color to create a cinematic effect. I am constantly experimenting and each page is an adventure.
The comic reads right to left (which is how I've always done comics), and is done in watercolor.
It is a story about a 19-year-old boy named Jung, who is struggling with a drug addiction and his crippling depression. He goes to the town of Ggwang-gu, in Korea, in hopes that he will find happiness. Along the way he meets a ghost, a guy who lives in a trailer park, and a martial artist, and discovers his passion for music. But the city is being taken over by tech corporations with a villain who want to control the city and displace the people living there.
This story is a comedy, adventure, psychological horror, fantasy, parody, musical, and surrealist comic.
Please, give it a read.

Five teenagers try to live their life while murders keep happening around them.
Takes place in Latvia.


Here's mine! I collab on this with other amazing people! (I didn't write it, but I do base coloring...which is awesome!!)

I just hit my milestone a week ago, I currently have 26 subscribers! I'm very excited about it! :blush:

Anyways here's my comic, it's a comedy series with supernatural themes to it, most of the episodes are short funny comics, the series itself is about a teenage goth girl and her strange and unique friends trying to get by the usual everyday that is Water Lily High, from photobombing ghosts to jealous weirdos trying to sabotage science fair projects!

Gentle reminder of the rules everyone:

Here is my comic! It's about a Baroque (early 1600s) painter who is cursed to be trapped inside his own painting.

I finally made it to 50 subs today and made the front page! I love this community :heart_03:

I've reached 25 subscribers after a long silence (mostly family members but, hey, at least they're supportive)

If you want a few chuckles, check my short comics (10 jokes so far, the latest 3 are the best quality).
They're not really funny 'haha' but rather 'huh' or quick exhale


Devil's Triangle has reached a nice number of subs - 111 ! And it made my day to see my novel appear in Community Picks too. Thank you to all my supporters and the Tapas community in general! :heart_02:

My webcomic dan just hit 26 subscribers. I want to thank everyone in the community for supporting me.

Do works on Webtoons count? Because my series The Remarkable Rabbit Boy recently hit Number 1 in the Superhero category of Canvas Top 30, which is super-awesome, but it got itself bombed with a bunch of random 1-star rates as a result. My rating dropped from 9.07 to 7.81 overnight. I was looking for people who'd want to read and maybe subscribe to it, to counteract all the bad ratings it got.

Summary: 12-year-old Rabbit Boy has always wanted to be a superhero. So when he managed to unlock his power core and gain a superpower, Rabbit Boy went ahead and turned himself into: THE REMARKABLE RABBIT BOY. But the journey towards being a great superhero is tough, and there are mysterious forces at play that make it a lot more complicated than Rabbit Boy expected. Follow Rabbit Boy on his journey to becoming the world's greatest superhero!

I woke up to find that my novel was in the popular category! Don't know how long it's gonna last though, but it's an amazing feeling! A big thank you to Tapas!

Everyone! I am proud to announce that Capture the Flag has reach it's 25 sub milestone! Come over and see what all the Hub bub is about. But I just wanna thank everyone for supporting my work and I hope to continue doing what I love to do and showing you all I got. Thank you so much for a great year! :smiley:

I didn’t expect to post in this thread again, but I did manage to reach 125 subs. It will probably drop off tomorrow, as it fluctuates, but right now it is 125 :+1:

Errant is just fifteen subs off 700, nearly to the end of Chapter 1 AND next update will be episode 50! :hype_01: Grab your big swords and chest-high flares and let's do thiiiiiis! :muscle:

Thank you so much everyone for the support, community pick nomination and of course, the top-tier bantz that go down in the comments. Big love! :heart_03: