I had a lot of messages like "I really love your work, in the future if you draw more cool things can I have it tattooed on me?" totally a compliment but it triggered every single nerve in my brain how people treat my IG page like a tattoo Pinterest board and just ask to take whatever without paying me a cent for my time and effort
When my "home" website was dying from no activity (ok, it still is), a group of users made a group for keeping comments on artworks alive - so far, so good, but they always sign with their group name, so you actually know you are just part of the group project =/ I know that the intention is good, but thoughts got into my head like "Am I that bad that ppl have to be bribes with items to comment me?" =/ (When the website was alive I had ~10+ comments per upload and now... zero ^^" so that felt kinda like pity comments ._.") The comments were nice and all, but.... yeah... >.<
Would that happen to be deviantart by any chance? Because as someone who'd gained a pretty decent following back in the day (mostly from the cloud song asdfgh) it's pretty much deadsville now.
As for the topic at hand, someone once filled their whole gallery with art they'd traced from mine without even the smallest shred of credit... And literally just changed the character names and nothing else about them. They say mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery, but... If that's flattery, I don't wanna know what an insult would be.
When this person asked me to only draw one specific thing because they thought it was amazing but didn't follow me for the other stuff.
I remember they said it in nicer words but i was irked, annoyed and really sad for a good few days because I didn't want to be known for one thing y'know. And the stuff they didn't want to see was my we comic stuff.
Also "You're really good at drawing anime, can you draw me?" From IRL people who then I've told i charge for my art and it's not anime. (Followed by the comment "okay draw me and I'll pay you 3 dollars")
@FedoraSpooky Nope, it was animexx, once the biggest German anime and manga website ever with basically everything: webmangas, fanart, fanfics, RPGs.... a perfect package - but then bad management happened ^^"
And whaaaaat?! O_O Ufff, that's not flattery, that's rather rude if you ask me! Working with references is okay, everyone has to look up poses, but tracing without telling the original source?? Big nope!
Ahh, yikes. XD ; Bad management'll do it.
Yeah, I wasn't very happy to discover that had happened. They'd gotten away with it for like half a year and built up a small fanbase and everything before anyone caught on. Pretty awkward stuff... Ended up in a huge mess that ended with them being banned (they refused to give credit or even apologize after they were caught and instead went on the attack). The insulting compliment bit pretty much came in the form of a comment that was like "you should be grateful they liked your art that much" and just... nope.
Side note: but yeah @DiegoPalacios and @Thesleepypencil I hate how that's such a mainstream thought nowadays, like see one thing that's weird and out-there people automatically think drugs were involved in its creation. Like even the common person can have some outlandish dreams, do they take drugs every night before they sleep? NO.
People underestimate creativity somethings.
"Your art is mediocre, at best, and will probably stay that way. You're just not good at this and you should quit."
This comment came from a professor at the college I was going to when it came to light he was getting fired. He stood up in front of the class and said this before not returning the next week.
But...his words hurt me and still haunts me and...10 years later, starting to think he's right.
But anyway, most of the compliments I get are like yours: "hey, you're pretty good at that for a girl." Like...dude.
never had irksome compliments so heres a blatant insult
my jr high principal told my mom i was too mentally stupid (avoiding the R word here) to be a comic artist, best i could ever do is get a job at the local donut shop... then she got pissed at my mom for repeating it back to me and me going in and telling her that because of that comment, i did not respect her as an authority figure
The first time my mother read a portion of my current project:
"Well it's good but I dunno why you bother with this, it's not like you'll be able to make a living from it. I don't even know if it's any good actually, I don't understand it. Why don't you write something simpler? People will like it more then."
I still have no idea what she meant by "write simpler" I don't go out of my way to write something so complex that someone can't understand it. I'm not writing something to "stump the dummy" or anything like that. I think the worst part of it all was she didn't see any value in it other than money. It was those types of comments growing up that stopped me from writing for so long. I'm convinced that she didn't understand the impact of her words but I always thought, as my parent, I would get a bundle of bias compliments. Nope, not from my mom
That is not even an attempt at complimenting.
Some people don`t know what they are talking about and pretend they do. Did you know that Walt Disney, before making.... well...Disney was fired by a newspaper because he "wasnt creative enough".
In your place i would take his opinion with a grain of salt. Artist grow and art can be improved. Also, art has so many definitions that he may just have a strong bias against your art style (or in some case, just be envious). If someone doesn`t say how something can be improved or is incapable to point out what are the flaws, then he is that is not advice, is just cynism.
Long ago, i once went to a gym with my mom. And the owner was a woman known by my mother. She was teaching me how to use the machines. She had some bad experiences with men, so i understood were she came from, but it was still incredibly awkward when she said "you are incredibly smart and good at following instructions for a man". I didn`t took it personally, but i undestand how frustrating it can be for people to receive those kind of comments more constantly.
As a rule of thumb, if someone says "you`re pretty good at X for a "Y", they are implicitly implying group Y is inferior at X (either intentionally or accidentally)
This is like my parents. Every time they read my story or they hear about how it's doing on here they're like: "so....when are you going to publish it?" "How much money you're making?" they are very supportive of my writing and enjoy my stories but these questions/compliments would always crack me up. One person did say about a story I wrote: "I'm surprised it's good." Me: ".....thanks?"