She/Her . Canadian . Loves fairytales and Aliens.
My comics - Lalita at the end of the universe / Mirrors and Apples
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- Sep 27, '15
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- Sep 14, '18
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- Apr 15, '19
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Perfect is hard to say because most of the shows i love will always have small flaws. Brooklyn 99, pushing dasies, Avatar the last air bender, and futurama would be shows that i would say are the peak best of their genre. some still better than others. another fantastic show is The Good Place. s…
My recent art comparison is actually almost a year old. So I've probably improved since then too. But I'm still really proud of this piece. [image] Original drawn in 2015. Doing a colour scheme challenge to practice my skills. [image] Redraw at the end of 2017. And one of my favorite pieces of art …
Given that i pretty much listen to Table top roleplay podcasts. The Adventure Zone (Ie one of the best pieces of media I have ever consumed), high rollers, friends at the table. I am always insanely inspired by listening to them. Not story wise but definitely world building wise. Since these pod…
[image] I first designed Lock for a school project almost 7 years ago. So so soooo long ago. [image] And this is what she looks like now. (Almost now, I drew this outfit concept around Christmas. But compared to doodles it's the best piece i have on my phone right now. 7 years makes all the di…
the one song I relate the most to my comic is already the theme song to steven universe soooooo BUT if I ever had a tv show made of my comic this would be the track used for the OP because it was actually Inspired by an art piece of my comic! and I love it. So i geuss my comic actually does have…
for Lalita at the end of the universe. I've got a HUUUUUGE style change since i first started year ago. and then when drawing the characters they got a huuuge design over haul [image][image][image][image][image] I definetly want to continue the story one day with this style, tho it's a little da…
Okay. I pulled up a bunch of refrence pictures that I use. first is a bunch of tutorials that are from here [image] [image] [image] [image] …
Since my comic is both about Fairytales and for kids. I have a weird mix of dark and friendly. mostly friendly, I don't do dark as in violence dark, more of a creepy monster dark. ((though there is a scene where rats attack and tear at a monster soooooo maybe some violence someplaces)) the one thi…
Uuuuuuuug thiiiiiiiis!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every group of friends I've ever had joked about how i must be on drugga because my ideas are "out there" instead of having y'know. A imagination
Probably last week. I was asked by my boss who knew i was artistic if i could paint a picnic table for a summer display. He asked me at the beginning of june and told me it needed to be done by the 20th. I agreed because that was plenty of time and he said he would talk with my supervisor about …
When this person asked me to only draw one specific thing because they thought it was amazing but didn't follow me for the other stuff. I remember they said it in nicer words but i was irked, annoyed and really sad for a good few days because I didn't want to be known for one thing y'know. And th…
At the end of the day you have to draw what you would enjoy drawing the most. Everyone always worries about the viewers and i get that but there is something to say about enjoying it. That said. And that's the most important. So now I'll give my views as a potential viewer. The amount of charac…
I always get so excited for Pride month! My job is centred in the village of my city, pride flags are everywhere, our roads are painted rainbow, and we have two pride parades a year. So being able to experience pride in all it's glory. It has been a long road. And it's longer still. I'm extremel…
I've commented on my stories and all of their lgbta+ content on other topics. so I'll try to keep to characters. [image] the main group in my comic storytale. from Left to right. Lock (Ace, panromantic), Tuk(Bi), Brennan (ace), Micah (Trans Girl, Bi), Jack (Pan), Fatima (ace) , and Mesi (The sweete…
Everyone seemed to already comment things i've already said. But I'm still going to comment on stuff anyway. Though I don't know how well i can answer this, even though I'm Bi and Every story I write has wlw in it. Like everyone else said, write them as people before writing about their sexuality.…
This would be something that I do too. If I'm burnt out I can't stop drawing because there is a chance that if i do It will take a long while to get back into drawing. It never has to be anything big. The best bet is too draw the story characters, so I'm still thinking about them. But mostly it…
[image][image][image] added three more. also boosting because Mermay is awsome. the first one is my all time favourite design from all of my mermaids.
[image] [image] a couple more. I'm trying to re draw all the ones i've drawn over the past couple years, since they all need makeovers. so I'll probably post them here by the twos of threes. as to not spam this one is banana cream pie and cherry cheesecake.
long long maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan actually this is the only one i can think of right now. my favourite trailer is actually probably the oregon trailer, which doesn't really tell a story as much as it showcases lots of little magical visual stories.
I was definitely planning on making this topic if someone didn’t beat me to it. Lol. Currently I'm redrawing my desserts themed Mermaids I drew a couple years ago. [image] [image] I also have an idea for a mini wordless comic. Maybe I'll get to that

I love kristen cashore probably because her stories remind me so much of Tamora Piece. she has three books, Graceling, Fire, and Bitterblue. All of them about different women in the same world. I always recommend people reading them if they liked pierce. especially since the characters Katsa and Po …

My favorite book of all time is pride and Prejudice. But as inspiration I think the only things it inspires in my stories is how the two main leads act. In most of my stories there will be a darcy and lizzie dynamic. The Stories that DO inspire my stories the most is anything by Tamora Pierce or…
The Comic Storytale is literally the mash of the word story and fairytale. since it's a story about fairytales. now that i type it is sounds so basic. Lalita at the end of the universe is because the main character Lalita is suppose to travel through space to a place call "the end of the universe" …
<3 <3 thank you so much. I wasn't going to add more. but making character sheets are my jam. I make tons of them. So I'm gunna post a few more. usually my character sheets will the same process, a image of them standing upright, used to show the whole person as well as their colour scheme, then …
I've got a few character sheets for a project not even close to being started (other than character sheets. [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image]
I'm on mobile so I'm struggling to post links. I don't have any myself. But i read two. The pirate Balthazar. Which I about The Pirate Kane kidnapping the woman he loves (and who loves him back) and his crew accidentally kidnapping her four identical looking sisters. It's long. The main plot is…
All down for that good good representation. My main series has three main characters that are ace. And one confirmed Aromantic as well. [image][image][image] Lock is Gray-Ace (I think that would be the proper term), alot of her story focuses on the stong romantic relationship she forms with the b…
You did exactly what i was just suggesting i was too slow. Yes this one is the best
I like the blue and the soft blue. But i think the blue would work best as a visual contrast to her blonde hair. What i lime about the soft blue is how the details pop. On the hems. But i think that can be used also on the blue if you put a lighter tone of that blue on the insides of those detail…
Kinda yeah, my close friends know I make comics, or at least know I have comic ideas and stories. But maybe one or two actually read them or I've showed them too. It's a big struggle though. Because I want to show everyone my stories. It absolutly stems from growing up in both a homophobic and …