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Dec 2024

We all know the jokes about the venn diagram of the search histories of writers and serial killers being a circle, but they’re pretty spot on. So, I ask you all:
Whats the weirdest, most surprising, favorite, or just most memorable thing you’ve learned while researching your story?
For Abysskeeper Suen, I learned that:
Baby squid are called paralarvae (not a cute enough name imo, they deserve better)
They were still producing wallpaper dyed with arsenic in the 1870s, right around when the story takes place, but that is when the practice started to decline
Mantis shrimp tragically don’t actually see all of the rumored colors
19th century definitions of high heels were very different than our modern ones, a heel being “high” started when it was roughly 1.5-2 inches tall. All the people talking about high heels causing disease and organ failure were just making up problems.
The Mesopotamian god of the moon was known by too many names to list here

Funnily enough, most of the really unexpected stuff that becomes relevant, I either knew incidentally from somewhere else or put in the comic because I already knew it. You never know when the symptoms of poison hemlock or what they called certain knitting stitches in the 19th century could be useful!

  • created

    Dec '24
  • last reply

    Dec '24
  • 6


  • 162


  • 1


  • 10


  • 11


For Fair, no Fair, I learned about what people food is safe to give to a dog in case of emergencies.

And for Feathered Fall, I kind of stalked the layout of the Palazzo Cordusio in Milan because that's where the story takes place. I had a character comment on the decor of his suite and it had to be accurate!

Too many but here's some studies...

Beauty and Accounting Academic Career

Biophotons as Subtle Energy Carriers

"Revenge against society" attacks in China

Anyway here's my current ongoing work:

It is really really hard to draw people sitting from the front view without reference. I have to hurry up and finish the episode where Chili tells Texas to start using reference so I can start drawing from reference lol (it's hard when your comic defies the fourth wall)