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Sep 2022

IT'S MY COMIC'S BIRTHDAY!!! (well it was yesterday but I forgot to post this lol) My comic just turned 3 and I'm so proud of it. May not have the most subscribers in the world, but I appreciate everyone who has read my comic and I'm so happy I can put my work out there for people to see!

I know it seems to get harder to grow the older your comic is, so post your stories down below that are over 1 year old and tell me how long you've been posting it! This isn't a sub for sub, but I'll check out as many stories as I can and I hope you'll look at my story if you're interested!

  • created

    Sep '22
  • last reply

    Oct '22
  • 19


  • 595


  • 12


  • 28


  • 13


My comic passed it's 1 year mark about a month ago!

congrats!!! I'm almost there! I'm 2 years and a half, in march I made 2 years, and what a journey, isn't it? How did you manage to go so long withou going crazy? I know I thought of giving up like a thousand times in those years xD I don't know how I'm still here xD

Here's mine.

genre: BL, Slice of Life, Drama

"But for real, now. If you trust people you can get out of a crises like that in one piece. I know it'll come back again any day soon, but you can call us and we'll do our best to calm you down and get it out of your chest. Don't hurt yourself anymore... You're so cute and do that to your own body"
"I want you to know that I undestand you, so you can trust me. I'll never judge you. I'm telling you all of that because we grew up together, I know for sure you don't deserve all this pain"

One mental breakdown sparkled something betwen those two. It grew them together and they may learn they have much more in commom than they've imagined.
A love story between two broken boys who found home in each other.

Saudade is a boy love story that touches in delicate subjects as depression and anxiety and mature content in general. Everything shown in this comic is patient view only, I'm not a mental health professional. Reader discretion is advised.

Yeah, it's definitely hard to keep making something for so long! I never thought I'd be able to keep up with it; it's the longest time I've stuck to any project so it's got a special place in my heart for that.

Congrats on your 3-year anniversary! :tapa_pop: It's unbelievable how fast time flies (especially with covid and all).

My current novel hasn't touched the 1-year mark yet but all my other novels are already 2+ years old. :smile:

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Psychological Thriller
Unravel the secrets hidden in a small town through the eyes of a singer, a policeman, and a school counselor. Suspects in the subsequent murders range from cyber stalkers to old flames! :smiling_imp:

Genre: Historical Romance, Fantasy
Follow Empress Wu Zetian's treacherous journey from the hands of enemy Tufan soldiers back to the Forbidden City where she battles foes from within her own kingdom.

Genre: Scifi, Action, Thriller
A short story collection that involves science fiction, fast-paced action scenes, and dystopic universes.

Yeah, I doesn't feel like it's been three years already. So cool you've been able to work on several different projects! I have a lot of other stories to tell but I've still got a decent bit left on this one and no extra time haha

Totally feel you on the lack of time! Most of my completed novels were already written since 2017 or so - only the latest one, Devil's Triangle, was started in 2019 and completed in 2021 (pandemic-era novel lol!). Recently, I've just been lacking energy and motivation to put words down due to work. :cry_01:

Mine's 15 days left to my first year anniversary! :sob:
Dang, I didn't realize it's been that long~

Congrats! Also, my webcomic is currently 2 years old.

Hybrid: Humanity

Genre: Fantasy / Action


Description: A story about a half-demon teenage girl lost in a world where everyone is out to get her.

Back in the 1800s, demons invaded Earth and took a sum of their land. Of course, it starts a new era with pre-established pools of magic on both sides at war. Along with that many discoveries are made from the burning bridge between the realms.

Haha my comic has been going since 2007... 15 years old including hiatuses due to life circumstances.

Probably as long as some of you have been around. I'm old enough to be the dad of some of you. Lol

Comic about a loner, an angel, a martial artist priest, and a sinister cult that wants to build a New World Order and increase the hate and violence and pain and suffering in this world by using mind-controlled, demon-possessed super soldiers. Drama, action, social-political themes, philosophy, spirituality, religious references, some comedy.

Congrats on the 3 year anniversary! Yeah, I always thought it was weird to see the topic of people being intimidated by a comic having an archive of 100 pages or larger. I get something it for something like Homestuck, that archive is MASSIVE, but like... you want the comic to have content to properly gauge whether you like it or not, right?

Anyways, upon looking at my first page I started posting my comic February 2016, so it's been a little over 6 years now. Personally I've never been much for celebrating my comic's start date, but I'm glad I'm still keeping up with it. Honestly I find it more celebratory that I'm about halfway done with the story chapter wise. (Finished 5½ out of 11 so far. Although I may do 12 chapters if it turns out I have too much packed into the last 4.) Regarding the difficulty in getting subs thing I have to say it's nice in my case, the title and the fact that my characters are queer is misleading, so I used to get a lot of people hoping some romance would happen. While I still get subs from a lot of BL archive bots and fans, there's enough content for folks to know what kind of story my comic is, so I won't end up with as many people dropping it later on... although the few who still think the MCs will get together are going to be really disappointed in the end. Lol

Please pay heed to the warnings in the description, also I can't control what people do but my comic is for a 17+ audience, so if you're under that age I'd appreciate it if you steered clear of it.

Woah, that's really cool you've been working on it for so long and have been able to come back to it after breaks! A lot of people struggle to keep with the same project for a year or two so that's very impressive!

It is certainly weird that people are so intimidated by a lot of pages, especially when I see so many comics where the fans are begging for more episodes because they caught up so fast. Seems like you'd want more content if you find it's something you like so I don't find more pages to be a bad thing

Just feel the need to finish it for some reason.
After that, definitely have other projects in mind.

My comic is about to reach one year old!!!
Check it out!!

Description: Naota Nakaoka was just your typical harem hearthrob until his life was cut short. Now he's been reincarnated .... as a stick figure. How will he be able to rebuild his harem in a world where where anime tropes (and faces) don't exist??? Find out in That Stick Figure Isekai!!! Episodes every Friday!

1 month later

closed Oct 5, '22

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