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Apr 2024

I'm writing this topic cause idk what to do. This is making me wanting to stop writing. So i wrote 5000 words and i was so proud of this chapter, then i clicked on publish but the page didn't upload and it restart and more than 2500 words disappered like that. I'm so pissed i'm actually crying while writing this. I don't have any save up of this because it was my first try. I'm really sad, it's so horrible. IDK IF SOMEONE can understand the pain i'm talking about i can't even write properly rn. Please if someone know i can solve this problem, i will be so grateful. What i just write on my chapter, i know i will never reproduce it. PLEASE HELP ME cause i sacrified my sleep and focused on this i was so excited to post this chapter. I'm crying this is so horible.

  • created

    Apr '24
  • last reply

    Apr '24
  • 5


  • 282


  • 1


I am still pretty new to Tapas, so I have no clue how to restore lost works. However, I do suggest using google docs. Don't get too distraught. I get your frustration, I've had moments like these myself. However, don't think that you won't be able to reproduce that chapter. Sure it may not be to the same form it was before, but now that you understand the chapter you are writing, you can improve and make it better. Just take some rest, maybe a days break or so, then come back to it and work on it bit by bit. You got this!

Sorry, i feel you, i write codes too, but one day a 200 line code dissapeared, man i really felt it, my hardwork dissapear, dont worry keep pushing

Thank you, i took some sleep and i'm still mad but i can't do much so i will take a short break

There are times when there's an error while loading, and the page will just keep loading and loading and I have no choice but to exit the tab and reupload the chapter.

Please, do not write the first draft directly on Tapas for these reasons. I recommend writing on Google Doc and copy/paste.

If there was no draft saved, then theres nothing you can do but rewrite it.

It could be because there's a 15k character limit on Tapas, which is around 2500 words. Either way, definitely wouldn't recommend writing directly onto any site. Glitches happen, power goes out, devices fail before you can save. Like everyone else said, maybe try Google Docs and make sure you back up your work somewhere else, even if it's just e-mailing yourself the files.

Sorry this happened to you and best of luck with your writing!