6 / 9
Nov 2016

My kickstarter ends in about 8 hours and with only 25% funding I am pretty sure it will not succeed. But the good news is that during my time working on this project I saw that there are people interested in the series.

25% of my kickstarter was funded which is close to 600$ that is amazing considering I had not created a mailing list prior to launching.

Not only that but within a few days of launch kickstarter gave me a little tag letting other know that they like the project.

I advertised quite a bit and worked hard to draw in a crowd and it was tough and at first it was really stressful on me.

But I succeeded even though I failed because during this 30 days I learned what I needed to and I saw that there is a place for my comic in the future.

I am currently enrolled in a class launched by comixlaunch that is helping me turn my hobby into a career and my god is it amazing. I am only a few weeks into it and I can already tell my next kickstarter will be a great one.

Not only that but I am looking into better ways to release my series and even though I have taken a large break while I finish up volume one myself I know that when I start releasing again it will be with more confidence.

I wanted to create this topic to let people know that failing at something you have worked hard on is not a bad thing as long as you learn from your mistakes. I also wanted to open up disscussions with people who are interested in kickstarter or comixlaunch or anything in general.

Let me know what you guys are struggling with or what you guys are interested in at the moment.

Right now my struggle is finding the motivation to continue setting up my mailing list lol

  • created

    Nov '16
  • last reply

    Nov '16
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What a great way to look at it. c: I would love to hear about what you're learning from comixlaunch!! Turning art into a career is such a wild endeavor, super rewarding but also extremely terrifying.

I'm currently trying to make that leap from partially relying on art money and fully relying on it and it's really quite scary. I'm quitting my part time job soon and I'm basically gambling on keeping my Patreon/Commission/Ad rev incomes steady and growing. It's really scary. ;m; But I'm literally running out of time for things so I have to choose which will be my priority during school, and I'm choosing comics and art if it kills me. Anyone got some advice for making this change go smoothly? ;A;

Thanks and that does sound like quite a gamble that could potentially work out great ^.^

So far what ive learned is a mailing list is super importaint for keeping fans up to date with all the stuff you're doing. With a mailing list it becomes a lot easier to fund projects and get people who are actually interested in your stuff the info you want them to see.

It is something that I am working on right now with the steps he is giving us but it is a bit tedious atm since I do most of my stuff from my phone and for this it might be a little easier to do it on my laptop but this course im taking is great and starting in January we go head first into what to do after the mailing list is set up.

Whats your patreon and commissions links I am always looking to hire people for commissions and other projects. I am currently paying my art team about 300-400 a month for my series and if i had extra cash I would be paying them more lol are you doing a series and if you are is it by yourself or with another creator? What are you making combined with all your revenue? Sorry for the questions I like to learn about all kinds of methods ^.^

Interesting read, while I'm not in the exact same situation, I work almost full time in a bookstore while trying my best to lead a game project. The project hasn't been funded yet so I'm working for free until it is. At the same time I don't want to stop making my comic, so there are some balance issues here. Hopefully the comic, patreon (don't have one yet) and other revenue streams (like commissions, and asset sales on the unity asset store) will let me cut back on the store work, and let me focus on art and game dev. Looking forward to seeing more on this thread!

That sounds pretty cool. Let me know more about the game and comic if you have a site or anything for them ^.^

The game is unannounced, but it's being developed by Rain Games who has made Teslagrad and currently working on World to the West - check them out, they're pretty awesome (I can say that because I didn't work on those titles). The comic is No-Good Heroes1 smile

I'm always torn about working on projects for free...what kind of agreement are you under? Like do you get a paid if it is funded? Is it percentage based? I'm so curious about these kind of arrangements.

For me every piece of art is paid for once completed unless otherwise stated by the artist.

I have been working with my art team house of imagi for about 8 months now. Man its almost been a year already ^.^

We both made clear what the costs would be starting out but of course things change and with it a little flexabilty and understanding is needed. Originally the contract we created was something along the lines of 15$ per B&W page with the agreement that 6 pages would be created every 2 weeks. There was a problem that was seen within the first month of our agreement. They were not able to produce that many pages. They constantly apologized for the issue and had been telling me that they are trying to work things out with their team to get it all finished.

Instead of forcing them to continue the scedule and over work them I had asked them to cut the page numbers needed from 6 down to 4. They said they would like to keep it at 6 since they would like to earn 90$ every 2 weeks. I told them that they can keep the 90$ per 2 weeks but cut the product down to 4 pages. I would rather they be able to work on quality than quantity and in my mind 15 per page of their quality was way too cheap.

About another month goes by and I finally decided to go color and switch from releasing a page every few days to releasing a chapter every month or so. I talked it over with them and the pricing for each page increased but the time it took to make them did not. They added a second artist to the team. The price per page went to about 60$ per page. 30 for line art 30 for color. I agreed and we started doing color. About 4 more month go by and my fiance does not want to do storyboards so I ask the art team if they would be willing to pick that up as long as I give them a script to follow. They agreed and at first labled it 15 per storyboard but quickly dropped it to 10$ per storyboard because they felt it was not worth that much.

Right now I am paying 70$ per full color page when at first I started out paying 15$ per black and white page.

The other biggest change is during the kickstarter we talked about potentially doing something that no artist/creator should do unless they 100% trust each other. And I felt honored that they trusted me with this. Over the course of being together and paying on time and always working things out with each other. They agreed to do a bunch of art right away and get paid monthly over time in order to get the first volume out in a timely manner.

The bill ended up being around 2000$ by the time all was said and done. I am almost done paying it off now. They agreed knowing I would pay them back on the agreed time with the agreed amount which was about 300-400 monthly. And if I could not I would let them know immediately. It only happened once and I was able to make it up and then some quickly.

This is really long and I am sorry I just wanted to give you an idea of what my journy has been like on the writting side paying for art.

If you would like my advice as a writer to an artist.
Make sure you have a set price for your art. Know the basics of what you think you are worth and dont underprice your art. You may get offers from people to do it cheaper or get paid when or if it succeeds but I would wait until someone comes along that will pay you immediately and that may take some time. Now if you see a creator who is looking to work with an artist but their ammount they can give atm is a little less than what you go for it might be good to talk to them and see in more detail what they can afford in total and what they are looking for.

With my art team they agreed with me even though each page by itself was lower than what they normally do. But since this is their first graphic novel job they decided to try it out and now they are making more than what they normally do per page I believe.

Always make sure any creator that works with you understands you are a team. Get to know who you are working with because that helps alot when things get troublesome. My art team and I talk on a weekly basis about either the project or about whats going on in our lives and we surprisingly have a good bit of things in common ^.^ whenever one of us has a problem we are not afraid to let each other know quickly in order to figure it out. We never badtalk or force anything that makes us uncomfortable and I cant stop bragging but they are such an amazing team. I love working with them xD

If you are interested in more stuff you can send me a private message and ask any questions you have or if you wanna talk about comics or anything I am always up for chatting ^.^ if you are interested in an opinion on price checks for your art or tips on how and where to get noticed I am always looking myself and this class is helping me. I am a little infrequent and have been trying to talk more in the forums. But you can always get ahold of me on my email since its always open on my phone. If you interested in doing a project with me I have about 6 other stories I am working on ranging from rom com to horror to action comedy and more ^.^ all of course paid projects with prices determined through negotiation.

My email is studioleviathanofficial@gmail.com
Or if you wanna keep talking here that is fine as well ^.^

In regards to working for free - It's not something I usually like, but I do have a project contract, so I do have incentives to keep working. As soon as the project is funded (which is hopefully soon), I will be paid normally. Developing games in Norway is expensive as all hell, so I understand why I'm not being paid right away, probably more than others in the same situation since I've started up my own company once and had a really hard time to make ends meet there. When the game is completed, the percentage that my free work represents on the full budget, I will receive the same back off of the profits. Which could - ideally - be a lot.