43 / 43
Sep 2024

I wouldn’t care unless they were marketing it for money and stuff, but I’d rather my creativity lead to more art than hoard it all to myself

27 days later

i kept forgetting to come back to this but i actually sincerely hope that folks would be inclined to make fanfiction about my works.

i will say that i'm not too sure how i'd feel about fics involving my ocs since i have a strong vision in mind of who they are and how they work so it'd take a a lot to not get all "thats ooc" or whatever about them but i have intentionally structured the collective setting with the purpose of being able to make your own characters and put them in the world itself and play around with it. kind of like how people have sonic, mlp or even steven universe/gem ocs who maybe dont interact with the main cast but still have stories and backgrounds of their own.

maybe its a consequence of having done that myself growing up, so the idea of creating my own and giving folks a new setting to play with seems fun

14 days later

I would love it! Honestly agree on that "having an AO3 tag tops any lit award." I would be dead with joy.

I'd love to see AUs, OCs, ships, etc., just a lot of fan interpretation and twisting of my work. I grew up in the fandom trenches: I love that community.

It would be very cool to see! I probably wouldn't read them, because I wouldn't want them to influence my ideas and where my story is going. But that's coming from someone who doesn't have much of a fanfic background.

Even better! Bill, Ted and Houdini on a ghost hunt.

Houdini: Now young boys. There’s no such thing as ghosts!

Bill and Ted: AAAAAAAHHH!!

Houdini: it’s just a dude in a sheet and it’s Margery We meet again Margery.

Margery: We gotta stop meeting like this my dear Houdini.

Bill and Ted: OOOO WHAT A BABE!! guitar noises

Houdini: face palms

I don't have a fanfiction background, but I'd be flattered to know my work is notable enough for someone to want to write fanfics based on it. My series The Shapes is one of those works with such a large cast of characters that I could easily imagine a fanfic with a minor character kind of like with fandoms like MLP or even South Park. I would likely read one just for the sake of referencing it in the main comic.

I'd love it if people made fanfics. They'd have to be clearly marked as a fanfic, though. My stuff is LGBTQ, starring a lot of male x male, male x nonbinary person, nonbinary x nonbinary, male x trans person. So, I'm sure there'd be less than sfw fics due to the nature of the LGBTQ genre and the kinds of fans in it. I'd probably see a lot of stuff I can't unsee lol. I'd mostly think it was funny, unless I saw stuff that was wildly disrespectful.

If someone wanted to do a fanfic for Apparent Secrets, I'm all for it. I can't imagine someone spending their precious free time finding new ways to ship / mess with / reconstruct my stories and characters. Heck, I'd help out with feedback, if they wanted guidance on my world building. :joy:

9 days later

I seriously question what sort of fanfics people would try to make for "A Dozen Morning Glories" so I'd just be really curious. It doesn't seem very fanfic-able, but where there's a will there's a way I suppose. You'd have to get pretty out there to think of someone else Dominic could fall for instead of Essence if that was the spin you wanted to take tho.

Honestly, I would be flattered and to be honest, I don't know what tropes I would like to see. I just want people to have fun and above all else, be kind to each other.

I may have already answered but I would be curious about ships people would ship that are not canon to Elsie as well as certain characters x reader fanfictions.

I read a lot of Minecraft fanfiction and anime fanfictions when I was a teenager. I ate it up!

2 months later

Oh I would absolutely love it, but it would be a bit concerning if it was about my mc finding a love interest bc their aroacr but I would read it all the way

21 days later

Always stay true to your roots! :smug_01:

Also started with fanfics and kinda miss writing them, lol. If only I had the time. :cry_02:

Fanfiction is a great creative outlet.

I haven’t done one since middle school or something when I would make Minecraft fanfiction self inserts with my character being with all the YouTubers I liked.

My friends irl dared me to write a Houdini self insert fanfiction and I’m fully on board with it.

Writing it has helped me out a bit to let lose and I’ve noticed my skills in writing in a novel or novella format has improved.

I’ve noticed I’ve learned so much from writing my own characters and drawing comics especially with my story Elsie.

Bwahahaha, great topic for here. xD always relevant. lol

Yeeah, ahaaah. I'd be fine with whatever people make, if it's out of interest/love for the comic and characters.
I would definitely not read them--I'M SORRY. I don't read fanfic to begin with, so I definitely wouldn't start with a story I'm creating. :cry_02:

I'm always happy to see fanart! Will always be grateful for it, and display it on my Patreon with permission from the artist.
Fanfic? Hard pass. But I highly encourage people to exercise their enjoyment for something in their own way! So, if that's fanfic, then awesome... I just won't read it. OTL