5 / 5
Aug 2024

I'm not going to lie, while I'm not into race/gender/etc.-bending myself or pushing the message too hard, it makes me sad that fans are complaining that the world of Batman Caped Crusader is so egalitarian even in the 1940s because...

The DC comics have been for a while and even Batman the Animated Series was. People could be anything and do anything regardless of what they were, where they came from or who they loved. DC's world is so egalitarian that even aliens and fantastical races are welcomed. If the fact that the DC world is almost completely free of prejudice bothers you, please look inward and seek why because the problem isn't DC's refusal to mirror our world and it's problems or timelines.

Overcome that demon within you. DC is trying to tell you something.

  • created

    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Aug '24
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Bruh it's so not that deep, if your gonna have something take place in 1940 then why do it if your not gonna try and make it feel like 1940? You can say you don't care but for the history fanatics like myself it's just gonna be disappointed. It's as simple as that.

The 1940s was simply a different world and even with all its ugly parts an blemishes and pimples it's still as super interesting setting to take place in. They just didn't do it 🤷‍♀️ they took the aesthetic but did nothing with the world building. For a lot of us that's boring and uninspired, sorry not sorry.

I respect that opinion despite not agreeing with it, but like I said, DC has not cared for the history and society not mirroring the real world for a while now since even before Tim Burton's Batman. Maybe at one time, DC did care, but it hasn't for a while and now, that is a constant point in its lore. You're entitled to want timelines and society to mirror the real world and real history, but at the end of the day, it's all fiction and it's all a matter of taste.

You can take it or leave it though it's clear you've decided to leave it. And that's ok.

Going to agree with TAMAnnoying. Why pick the time period if you are not going to have it happen in that period. It's a gimmick then. It's like all the diversity in historical dramas of late. If you want to tell that story, don't write it in 14th century England. And another problem I have is I don't want to see some writer's "take" on Batman. We want Batman. The whole point of this series was "it's made by the people that brought you the 90s show." Then give us a continuation of that series, or don't bring it up. Harley is not Harley, Penguin is a female (coded as drag queen, even though they didn't have the balls to just make a drag queen.) It all smacks of very 2020. And Batman is a secondary character in his own show. J J Abrams never fails to make crap shows. And you know it was crap as they sold it off and didn't put in on their own streaming service.

Like I said, agree to disagree. At the end of the day, it is just a cartoon. Not a documentary or a period piece.