91 / 295
Aug 2021

No I meant like she would try to seduce Dan she would want to BECOME Dan’s love interest what kind of girls does Dan like??

Oof, my novel's MC Suren cannot fight but she does have strong deconstruction prowess and wields pathokinesis, having once been part of the galactic serpent Vritra. As the Jade princess she is there to protect, so she probably wouldn't fight Dan but might enjoy a friendship with him. :blush:

It really depends on how close dan is to the bomb. However dan was able to survive a punch from behemoth man that made him go through several walls destroying the infrastructure of multiple buildings.

Seducing wouldn't work considering dan's mental state. It's kinda hard to think about girls when you're being hunted down by superhuman officers. The story doesn't hint much at dan's taste in females.

Ah, sure she can. I mean, worse comes to worse she could always just blow up the world leaving everyone but Dan alive, but it honestly shouldn’t come to that. She’d probably just grow a dragon head out from her back and eat the other guys, or maybe disembowel them with her anti matter claws that can cut through even the fabric of space time. Or she would maybe just disintegrate them with her feelings ray - which takes on all the powers of a girl’s true feelings.

Then after that she would probably take Dan to an alien nightclub. Hopefully Dan has enough money to order otherworldly wine lmao 🤣

You stated earlier that she won't be able to beat dan. So how is she going to take on people more powerful than him? Keep in mind I havent introduced all the characters yet in the story lol. Even with her abilities she still wouldn't be able to kill everyone in dan Lmao.

I believe my MC would win. My MC kills people for a living and is stacked with bodily modifications, trick weapons, and an unnatural talent for murder. But I guess we'll just gave to wait and see :sunglasses:

Here's my link if you or anyone else want to check it out!

spools of wire in the mc's wrist that he can use for movement or as weapons, a lighter embedded in his finger, and a hologram projector embedded in his wrist for now

If a women had a gun she would be entirely capable of defeating a male opponent. In fact, she would have a most decisive advantage.So don't put you Main Character down! I like to think of guns as the great equalizer.

I’m sorry but that simply is not true, for you see it is all decided by the simple fact that women go to jupiter to get more stupider, whereas men go to mars to become super stars. And I just can’t imagine a scenario where some jupiter thot could overcome a super star :pensive::cry:

my main character Ken Kawasaki is strong enough to blow up the whole earth if he wanted to so unless your mc can handle powers like that he got no chance