3 / 14
Feb 2022

So this always happens to me when I make a new series (on webtoon) that random people just come and without even reading it just rate it 1 star so the rating (which is visible to all readers) drops down, and its really frustrating and I was just wondering if any one has the same problem

(My series btw)

  • created

    Feb '22
  • last reply

    Mar '22
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Yeah, pretty much everyone hates the Webtoons rating for this exact reason. I got bombed by somebody (or possibly a group of people) and was stuck with a low rating for ages. Even with friends dropping 10s on me, I think on Webtoon I still only have like a rating of 6. I don't think I know a single person who hasn't had some petty or bitter little arse decide to drop a 1 on them for basically no reason, like it's even happened to friends with huge followings.

It's a bad system because it doesn't effectively indicate the quality of the comic. It doesn't show how many ratings or the ratio of high to low ratings and it's way too easy for people to just drop a low rating and go without needing to explain themselves in a review. Every time Webtoon ask for community suggestions, loads of people ask them to get rid of it, but they never do. :sweat_01:

Just one of many reasons Tapas is my preferred platform.

yeah fr, its like the series I'm working on had like 9 stars for a long time and I was like "woah that's nice" and then it went up and down so it had 8.50 and then I told my friend to 10 star it and it only went up to 9, and now I have 8.06 so I don't think I'm getting back to 9 stars anytime soon lol :sweat_smile:

Rating system suuuuuucks and it's absolutely broken. Still hope they'll get rid of it. Anyway, sent you 10 stars, no one deserves to get bombed :triumph:

As others pointed out it is awful and you should try not to pay it any mind.I believe last summer they said they would revamp it, but so far crickets about that unless I missed an update about it :confused:

Edit: Apperently it was set into action already? Well whatever they deployed sure does not work very well it feels like, but maybe it's only effective if it's big ratebombs.

I think the only true solution to this just asking for further information of why you rated it that number and/or maybe some system that you can only rate it if you have viewed like over 5 episodes or something

for some series the rating system is great but I myself am subscribed to some WEBTOONs which are great and have like 3 episodes and the rating is like 4 stars which can really downlift starting creators and maybe even cause them to quit :frowning:

Boom! 10 Stars for you!

Being bombed on Webtoon STINKS (I'm still in recovery mode, myself). I'll give it a read and some extra love too.

Be well!

it was (in my opinion) either someone who also has comic and wants to make your ratings terrible or someone who doesn't like you (maybe someone is jealous of you)

It's super easy to "hate bomb" someone, i don't even post on webtoon but i saw few people here talking about how much they hate ratings, i really hope that tapas won't include this in the future

Yeah, unfortunately that's pretty likely. There are a bunch of people who seem to think I need "taking down a peg". It's why a lot of my friends who have larger followings never talk on forums or places. It's so easy to get targeted by certain cliques... :sweat_01:

Gave 10 stars to you people :heart:
And I agree, the rating system on Webtoon is terrible, hardly works as "constructive criticism" at all and is basically just an easy way for trolls to put creators down. People have been asking WT to get rid of it for ages... yet it's still there :neutral_face:

The thing is at first it was a good system where people could give genuine feedback and stuff but then well, its the internet so nothing good lasts long

if it means anything to you, i never look at ratings ( on movies, books,etc..), i like to form my own opinion and i know i'm not the only one, so keep your head up and ignore any "hate bombing" , people like that are awful

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closed Mar 7, '22

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