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Nov 2018

Instead of taking the 50,000 word challenge, I am simply editing this year. I've taken on proofreading responsibilities for a few other NaNo projects. During the Writers Camp, we're posting stuff nearly as soon as the first draft is written which is considerably different than the way NaNoWriMo projects are traditionally handled, so I help where I can.

Right now, I am keeping pace. It's entirely possible that I will get swamped during the last week rush. If that happens, so be it.

If I had a choice to write 50K words or shoot myself in the foot, I'd take shooting myself in the foot. Less painful.

I am in full on panic mode. I didn't really get started until this weekend when I completely changed what I was writing, and I had the brilliant idea of telling my readers I would put out an update of the novel I put on hiatus if enough people subscribed to my contest novel because I don't already have enough to do :sweat_smile:

And facebook reminded me I had 90k words by this time a couple years ago so that was nice, lol

Still, trying to be hopeful that I can pick up that word count with some major sprints

Not even at 3000 words and it’s day 12:/
I haven’t written for like a week since I have been so busy

That's okay though! Every year is different so it doesn't mean anything if you've written less or more, as long as you've written and gotten that little bit further into the story it's still more than it was yesterday and you can be proud of that! :clap::sparkles:

Yep, that's November. If I purposefully was picking a worse month for holding NaNoWriMo, I would fail.

Lmao dont worry I'll be okay as soon as I can figure out what am I doing and why.

I broke 35k so far and I'm gguessing I'm on track to beat the thing.... I hope.

At first i didn't know this winter camp requires at least 500 word i thought it was 500 character.
When i saw that it needs 500 words I could see starts in day :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: