4 / 7
Jul 2019

It’s a bit hard to follow the last bit with the spanish, but I assume it’s saying not to drink the pills? It’s a pretty cute concept!

One thing I’d say to look out for is placing your word balloons over important parts of the panel. Trying to avoid placing balloons over characters, especially their faces. Anything you want a reader so see shouldn’t be partially behind a balloon (unless that is meant to convey something, like being talked over, or maybe being hurt by someone’s words.)

Oh. Hm. That's a bit of an iffy joke. Implying masculine women are "both sexes" can come off as extremely transphobic and sexist. Maybe avoid those kinds of jokes in the future, yes?

Ok I internally chuckled, thus a thumbs up for me. I'm overall not a big fan of gag a day strips but from what I have just read keep it up.

hi, spanish say "se busca empleado, ambos sexos" in Mexico, they offer job by gender, sometimes they do not specify. it would be something like both in a single genre. I do not know if I can understand. even we make fun of his way of writing it.