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Jul 2015

Hey all. I'm newish here--joined late June, but been started a new job at a video game studio (I'm a writer) and so attention's been divided. But no longer. So....hey!

My comic's a sci-fi adventure called Starve the Beast7, and it's a strange post-apocalyptic tale with a dark and dreamy art style courtesy of my good friend Sergio Vicencio.

Excited finally to catch up on my Tapastic comic backlog (currently reading Tethered, Grassblades, Oculta and many others). Feel free to recommend comics -- Starve the Beast7 is darker/moodier, but I'd always loved lighter hearted graphic novels like Doug TenNapel's Cardboard or Craig Thompson's Blankets.

Nice to meet you all.

PS: my comic looks like this: sigh, wish I could illustrate instead of just write!
Starve the Beast7

  • created

    Jul '15
  • last reply

    Jul '15
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I love that art style! I'm in a similar boat (my hands are incapable of anything beyond the simple act of typing), and we also have a strange post-apocalyptic sci-fi tale called Steel Salvation that you might be interested in. Tethered is a great choice, I've actually worked with the author on a side project for the Demon Archives, another cool post-apocalyptic sci-fi comic (maybe we should start a club?). Anyway, I've subscribed, and I'll be keeping up with Starve the Beast as it goes. Best of luck to you!

Nice looking stuff! I'll definitely check it out. Welcome to Tapastic and good luck with the project!