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Dec 2022

Happy new years everyone! To start the new years I want to test my creativity and I wanna take peoples resolutions amd make a manga idea about them, tell you what they are a.d what genre you want you to be in and ill give you a story pitch, ill take your goals and turn the story up the way only manga can! Of course these being your resolution i wont be using any of these for my personal projects id love as many people to join this teat as possible!

  • created

    Dec '22
  • last reply

    Feb '23
  • 17


  • 1.0k


  • 4


  • 11


mine is to refine my plot and writing to be as tight as possible, and to stick to my posting schedule.
genre: horror :B

As a surgeon at the top medical school in the country, you need to prove yourself beyond expectation, with budget cuts, the school has reduced hands on surgery practice, so to perfect your craft you take to the streets to find, less willing patients, spiraling down a dark hole of obsession and perfection, can you find a light at the emd of the tunnel and redeem yourself, or did you find an even bigger passion in murder.
Would you read it?

I fail at drawing. so maybe working on that more. XD.

Posting more animations.

working on something solid and consist.

losing weight and eating healthy.

A shy enclosed gamer girl plans to spend her weekend playing the new life simulator game, once she boots uo the game zhe suddenly realizes its not the game she thought, the games AI manifests her dream guy, is he a ghost or just a figmant of her imagination, can other people see him, as he follows her around day to day she finds herself going outside more and amd communicating with people, was he sent to just follow her or to bring her up? is she going crazy? Or is she finally coming inton her own

Im sorry I am not a slice of life person so i had to add a little aomething else , would you read it?

I just realized, your profile picture is hard. lol. Meeseeks dressed up a Pain is hilarious and kinda sad, ngl.

Our main character is a failing stand up comedian,not because he isnt funny, but it seems every time I goes up to perform the person before him tells his exact jokes, leaving him embarassed every night, but one night he stumbles upon a tape recorder holding the best set ever, does he leave it and continue struggling each day or use this to rise to stardom

Not gonna lie yours stumped me a little :joy: hope its acceptable

1 month later

closed Feb 2, '23

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