6 / 14
Aug 2018

I know how overwhelming it can be to be a new author there in the contest and to be on webtoon in general thanks to the site changes. I'm not counting on winning 1st place, but was hoping to get exposure, but it can be hard and discouraging when you're competing the already mega popular authors re uploading old works. So let's help each other out, if you're entering in the most epic(preffered)/feels category I'm interested in cross promoting with creators with similar themes, art styles, characters and level of quality. Or at least subbing, liking and rating 9/10. Doesn't have to be too like mine so don't be afraid post yours here, but I figure stories similar will likely result in a more effective cross promotion.

Check mine out! It's a fantasy/adventure story with a wide cast of characters but focuses on self development and trying to overcome personal struggles despite any fantasy elements. Its a bit gritty and real at times but also has fantasy, and lighthearted scenes. www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/pseudo-wings/list?title_no=20863540

Here's the tapstic link (but webtoons has the updated version): https://tapas.io/episode/114492633

Be sure to support everyone on the thread, especially with the downvoting problem! If you like anyone's work please let them know by interacting here or on LW rather than just link and leave. I'm new here and I'm interesting in making some likeminded friends!

  • created

    Aug '18
  • last reply

    Jun '19
  • 13


  • 2.5k


  • 5


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  • 9


I will check yours out! Your art looks incredible! :slight_smile: Mine is more of a fantasy/comedy, but I plan to include more of those genres later! ^^

Oh cool, I'm gonna sub to both of y'all. I also do fantasy comics, though my current project is more on the sword and sorcery end of things.
Still if you wanna check it out I have a website of my own here2
I'm testing out tapas2 and webtoon2 as mirrors so far they're going okay despite my comic not really being the intended format for these sites.

Thanks, always appreciate more subs! Your designs are cool, reminds me of rpg games and stories. For webtoons you gotta do long vertical stories, people on the desktop site don't want to keep clicking. But at least your patreon is doing well in spite of LWT's prefrences. I uprated you!

Aww thanks, I had great fun drawing it. Yeah be sure to! I just uploaded pages yesterday and i'm going to again in half a week since i decided to split my chapters. Your stuff is funny and cute for sure, just needs a little more polish.

Hello! Mine is drama but it's in it's early pages.

It's also on Tapas here.

i notice that you guys' updates are quite brief but the art looks good! :smiley:

Thanks! Yeah it's very RPG inspired.

And yeah I know the the site's designed for that infinite scroll kind of format but I'm not about to reformat the entire comic for a mirror site that I'm not super invested in. If I was doing a comic specifically for webtoon I'd format it that way but to be honest I much prefer working in a page format. I like the tighter compositions and it makes printing way easier.

The patreon is honestly mostly due to previous work. I have another webcomic that's only hosted on my own site and is nearly finished and had a reasonably popular fancomic before that.

It's pretty early on but I'm very here for this heavy hatching/textured art. It's the kind of style I've always liked but never had the patience to do myself.

Thanks! I subbed you here! I think your stuff would do well for zines and indie press stuff, but I find webtoons is antoher world. Yeah i'm going to merge my shorter updates together later into long episodes, cause its harder to get subs now than before.

Oh yeah I've been doing indie press stuff for a while.

right??? idk what's going on with discovered but we'll get through it. And thank you :slight_smile: I want to be able to print my comic one day so I'm glad it has the look.

thank you haha
it does take a good minute to make pages but if i don't render it starts to look odd to me and i cant allow myself to share something im not okay with

That's legitimate. It's tough to strike a balance between quality and not making an untenable amount of work for yourself.

10 months later

Hey, my fiance is new as well and encountering the same struggle. Let's definitely talk cross promotion! his comic is :milky_way:Destiny Oblivion​:milky_way: