231 / 2088
Aug 2021

Page 01 of Chapter 05 is up with the reptiles are coming in. Wanted to try a new shading effects with the new page and chapter. This chapter is going to be more action oriented!!!

Page 02 of Chapter 05 is up and as danger approaching, Lyza seems to have a plan.. A bit delayed but here it is.

I updated my two webcomics :

https://tapas.io/episode/2263201: Up In The Clouds: EP. 33 - The Beach

https://tapas.io/episode/2165278: That's B's Life: EP 8 - What In The World?

Words. updated today with its 100TH EPISODE! (We'd offer you cake, but...)


We just updated!

new update :smiley:

Page 03 of Chapter 05 is up and... is Lyza... singing??

Heyy New update CH 4 pg's 7,8&9

I'll leave this here for anyone who likes survival stories and mysteries

New update :smile_01:

The first character q&a went up today, Chapter 2 is finished ^^

Chapter 3 is 35% done and it is going to get wild, when I finish and upload it

Page 04 of Chapter 05 is up as Lyza starts to KICK SOME ASS!!! BAM!!!

here's one of the best new generation superhero comics. a shonen that'll be a milestone for the world

New episode is up!