221 / 2088
Jul 2021

Hey all!
New page posted today!

My turn, let's go.
Join me in Heaven is a story that contains Fantasy+ Psychological Horror + Drama elements to it.

"Two lost souls seek the light, but they'll have to choose between the ephemeral light of a campfire or the eternal warmth of their Sun, this will not come without a consequence. This is a story of two friends who realize things have more sides to them, as it looks into their hearts and minds, will they keep believing what they believe at the whatever the cost to keep themselves in this "light"."

Updated my series today : )

Page 19 of Chapter 04 and it's as violent as ever before closing down the chapter as the Reptilians are arriving at the church. The evil mistress is on her way, also.

Just uploaded the latest episode of my comics KIRA: A Star Wars Story.

Make sure to check out my other webcomic, Geeking Around: The Webcomic. Based of my podcast of the same name. https://tapas.io/series/Geeking-Around-The-Webcomic/info

If anyone like to SUB 4 SUB please let me know.

Hi! Just updated!^^

Episode updated :slight_smile:
Take a look :slight_smile:

Just posted the next 5 pages of The Middle, here it is!

new update is here :smiley:

new update is here :smiley:

Mine is a novel, but just updated yesterday. For lovers of fantasy :hearts:

Page 20 of Chapter 04 is up AAAAAND CHAPTER 04 IS COMPLETE!!!!! with a pretty messed up note. VIOLENT CONTENT!!!!

Daily update!

Chapter 05 cover is done: Fight the Reptilian Horde!!

Hello! I just uploaded my comic collaboration yesterday here on Tapas! Feel free to check it out and I appreciate any kind of support!:blush:

Hi everyone! :grin: I have just started posting on Tapas, I am translating a comic into Italian, the title is "Marine Boy". Today I published chapter two :it::fish:

Plot: "The true love story of two aquarium animators".
Genre: BL - Romance - Drama

(~Ė˜ā–¾Ė˜)~ Here is the link to the comic: https://tapas.io/series/Marine-Boy-Italian

Please support me if you like it :baciare_cuore:
Thanks for the opportunity :heart:

just updated!

Page 01 of Chapter 05 is up with the reptiles are coming in. Wanted to try a new shading effects with the new page and chapter. This chapter is going to be more action oriented!!!

Page 02 of Chapter 05 is up and as danger approaching, Lyza seems to have a plan.. A bit delayed but here it is.

I updated my two webcomics :

https://tapas.io/episode/2263201: Up In The Clouds: EP. 33 - The Beach

https://tapas.io/episode/2165278: That's B's Life: EP 8 - What In The World?

Words. updated today with its 100TH EPISODE! (We'd offer you cake, but...)


We just updated!

new update :smiley:

Page 03 of Chapter 05 is up and... is Lyza... singing??

Heyy New update CH 4 pg's 7,8&9

I'll leave this here for anyone who likes survival stories and mysteries

New update :smile_01:

The first character q&a went up today, Chapter 2 is finished ^^

Chapter 3 is 35% done and it is going to get wild, when I finish and upload it